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"I know you don't want to come and live with me but let me tell you... it's better than living with some creep or an abusive drunk. I also stopped the bank that pays for the house your father stays at... today I will drop you off at Max's house. Right now actually and you will take your stuff and leave with me. You will quite your jobs because when you live with me I will be you financial support." I continued to sob as Karl did circles on my back.

"Ok... let's go now." Karl picked me up bridal style as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I dug my face in crook of his neck. I heard some people complaining on why Karl gets to touch me and they can't the walked me into the changing room. I opened the door, my eyes were puffy.

"Amelia!" Mary yelled hugging me "Did they touch you! Did the guards not stop them? What happened?!" All the girls in the room left to give me and Mary time. I told her everything, she nodded and shook her head. By the time I finished she was crying too. "Oh dear... I'll tell Loren you're leaving, ok? I will miss you, call me whenever ok." I nodded as she kissed my forehead, she helped me change. She walked me out to the car, she eyed Levi.

"Don't you dare think about hurting her." She spat

"I wouldn't drear of it." Levi replied, I said my last good-bye and then clingled to Karl. Once we were in the car I was still holding onto him. "I save you life and I tell you the truth and yet you pick Karl?" He chuckled pinching the bridge of his nose "Where did I go wrong?"

"Karls nice and sweet. He's my friend." I stated

"Thank you sweetheart." He kissed my forehead, we pulled up to Max's house. I opened the door and he was sitting on the couch eating popcorn. He froze when he saw us.

"Everything ok? It's not past 9 yet is it?" He looked worried, I ripped on to Karl more.

"Watch it... your nails are long." He whined, I loosened and gave him an apologetic smile. 

"She's living with me now weather you like it or not." 

"What no... Lia!"

"I saw things Max... things that could put you in jail...." I looked up at him with teary eyes ".. how could you do that to me Max? I trusted you... you were the only person I could trust." I sobbed

"No please" He reached for me but I flinched "No... Lia... forgive me! I stopped! I realize what I did was wrong I would never do it again."

"You stopped?" Levi scoffed "You did it just last night, there's proof. And you just finished jerking off to her panties a few minutes before we came." 


"Karl.. go help her pack." I walked with Karl to the room, I couldn't move. He took clothes out and put it in a bag. I then walked over to his pillow and lifted it up... I was horrified. He had a folder of my boobs and vagina under his pillow along with underwear's that have been missing for months.

"Stop torturing yourself sweetheart... he's a sick person who used you." Karl said behind me, I nodded and followed him with the papers in my hands.

"The café.. the women..."

"Don't worry we closed the café and warned all the women once we got the photos. They don't work there anymore... the café is closing down." I nodded, we were in the living room where Max sat sobbing, I shoved the pictures in his face and realized he got hard when I showed it to him.

"Max!! You got fucking hard!! Max that's bad!! Please... I'm leaving and there's nothing you can do about it. Just promise me you will get help." He nodded, I sighed and left with Karl and Levi. I can't believe it... Max. 


The drive was long I didn't stay up for any of it, I fell asleep on Levi. He was more comfortable than Karl, I trusted him to not do what Max did to me. When I woke up I was in a huge room, I looked around frightened, I started to panic. "Shhh... I'm here." Levi said pulling my head into his hard chest. "Your in my room... welcome to your new house." 

"Thank you Levi." I whispered, he's quite nice now that I've lived with him. He has begged me to tell him about my past but I refuse and he said he'll wait for the right time. Most nights I wake up form nightmares of my dad returning or of Max coming and raping me but He's always there at the side of my bed telling me everything is alright... I don't want to get too attached because I don't know him yet.

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