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I woke up with a pounding headache, I hated it. "Fuckkkk" I groaned. I was starving but it would only make it worst, I need coffee. I didn't even check what I was wearing, I slowly walked down the stairs with my eyes half opened and made my way to the kitchen. I turned on the coffee machine and started to make some coffee. 

"It's so unfair how you guys ganged up on me like that!" I heard a voice

"Dude, she's insane. I don't want to be on her bad side."

"Is he still knocked out?"

"Yeah, it's insane. I hope she's ok."

"Ok? Dude she's fucking ruthless and doesn't feel shit, did you see the way she got up. If that was a real fight then she would've won and then her team would've helped her. She's amazing!"

I took my cup of coffee and started adding my milk to it and sugar, I then looked at my refection through the microwave to see that I was in a cropped tee tank and some underwear. I didn't mind, my abs looked stunning. I leaned against the counter and I saw some people from the try-out walk in.

"Oh-uh hi." one of them said blushing, I nodded my head. 

"You were amazing yesterday!" Said Eric

"Hi Eric."

"Y-you remember my name?"

"Am I not supposed to?"

"They said you have a concussion and wouldn't remember the fight."

"Oh... well I remember it clear." I winked at him "You ok though? Sorry me and Connor ganged up on you like that."

"Yeah it's ok, just a couple of bruises and scratches. What about you?" I raised my eyebrows at him

"Do you see a scratch on me?" I said doing a 360 turn for him, by the time I was around I saw his eyes were my ass was. He quickly made eye contact with me, "I do have a few on my face, especially where be punched me but that's about it. I'm perfectly fine."

"How do you do it?" asked one of the boys

"Do what?"

"Fight like that?"

"I don't know. I just do." Then I heard a groan and in came Connor in his boxers and only his boxers. 

"Fuck me... what time is it?" he asked rubbing his head

"10." I said sipping my coffee

"Good-morning everyone!" Mary said bursting through the doors 

"Maryyyy" I groaned happily

"Oh my days! What happened! Oh my god you're body is to die for!"

"Try-outs.... Jay made me do it." I whined 

"That asshat." She looked around confused "Who are they."

"People that were at the try-outs, that I assumed got in." She nodded suspiciously 

"You!" She said pointing at Connor "Why are you eyeing her like that!"

"Why wouldn't I? She's a badass, she's the reason I look like this." He said pointing at is broken nose and bruised face

"Ah period love, I knew you had it in you." She said smiling at me, the moment was ruined when Karl, Caleb and Jacob came in. I noticed everyone tensed up. 

"My marshmallow!!! You did so well!!" Caleb said hugging me

"I have a bitch of a headache though." He pouted and kissed my forehead

"Kar-Kar!!!!" I whined, he smiled and hugged me "You were so serious and you didn't hug me or talk to me and I thought you hated me!!! You were so mean!!!"

"I'm sorry sweet heart you know what business is like. I would never be mean to you purposely." I looked over to see Mary flipping Jacob off and Jacob getting upset and apologizing, Karl leaned on the counted and I leaned on his chest. All the other guys were so confused.

"Their not mean guys, their nice. They just have to act like it, the one who is a dick prick that needs to be taught some manners is fucking Levi!" I said

"You mean boss?" Connor said "You shouldn't call him by his name."

"Fuck do I look like taking orders from him, he ain't the boss of me!"

"Is that so?" Levi said walking into the kitchen, all the boys were even more tense. I nodded. "Why are you wearing that."

"Wouldn't you like to know! Levi!"




"Levi Louise Carter!"

"Fucking hell, do what you want with my name. But that's not and invitation for anyone else!"

"Yes boss." They answered in unison, I heard Mary giggle.

"Louise!!!!! Louise is your middle name!!! That's so boring!!!!" She said laughing so hard she was clutching her stomach, I joined her in the laughing. 


The rest of the day was quite, everyone was resting from yesterday. At the moment I'm sitting on Levi's lap as he's working of paperwork, I'm messaging his head so he can calm down and he's leaning his head on my chest as one of his arms are around my waist. I haven't changed and it's affecting him but I refused to change. The there was a knock on the door, "Come in." I said, in came Connor. 

"Uh boss?" Levi hummed in response "Will we be doing any training today?" Levi gave him a surprised look.

"You want to train?"

"Yes sir."

"Today is supposed to be a rest day so no one is going to be there to train, you would have to train by yourself." 

"Ok boss, thank you." Connor sent me a smile and I returned it before he left. Levi groaned and hugged me tighter to him.

"I'm so fucking tired." 


"I don't sleep."

"Come on." I dragged him to his room and he just stood at the side of the bed, standing there awkwardly. I started to take off his clothes, he raised his eyebrow as I stripped him. Once he was in only his boxers I was staring at his amazing abs. I sighed and pushed him on the bed, he didn't reject it. "Time for sleep." He pulled me into a cuddle and closed his eyes as I pulled the sheets up. I drew circles on his back as his breathe started to even out. 

It's been 2 hours and he's still sleeping, he's hugging onto my tourso and using my boob as a pillow. I then hear my phoen go off, "Hey Eth."

"Hey... uh I have to tell you something."

"I do too."

"You go first."

"I-um... I really like you Eth I really do... but I'm kind of falling for someone else at the moment. I'm sorry if I led you on or something, I really do apologize and I hope we can be friends."

"Oh thank god! Not in that way... I like you too but I think I'm.... gay."

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