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I woke up to an annoying alarm clock, I pressed stop and went to take a shower. As I got out I saw Max sitting at the end of the bed, I clutched the towel scared of it falling. He was shirtless, I didn't realize he fell asleep shirtless, I don't really mind seeing him shirtless it's just I start checking out his amazing body. 

He stretches and makes his way towards me. I stared at the ground as he kissed my temple, "Return the towel when you're done." I nodded and he closed the bathroom door, I quickly got dressed. "Lia! Towel!" I opened the door a little and stuck my hand out with the towel in it, once he grabbed it I closed the door waiting for him. 

His morning voice was the best, it was soft and husk. Plus him in the morning was just the best, he was so whiny and always wanted a hug which I gladly gave him. He walked out with the towel dangerously low, I put a pillow on my face so he could change.

"All done." I took the pillow off and we headed towards the car, we never ate breakfast since we work at the café. "I'm so fucking tired.." He groaned.

"Want me to drive?" He nodded and handed me the keys, I started the engine and drove off. He leaned his head on my shoulder as releasing a yawn. "Don't fall asleep Maxwell... you have new employees to welcome and you look like a mess right now." 

"I hate when you call me that."

"Good." I parked in front of the café and helped his life less body out, as we waited for them we had some coffee and pastries. I fixed him up, his shirt was backwards and his hair was a mess. As I fixed his hair his hands were on his waist as he groaned, he liked when I touched him hair.

"Thank you." He said.

"Of course." It was 9am and some people started coming in, the waitress were all women and there was on guy which I'm guessing is the new kitchen guy. All of the girls were eyeing Max, I rolled my eyes. "Hey guys! I'm Amelia, the main waitress. When it comes to orders on how to act you will answer to me! This tired guy next to me.." I said pointing at Max who was leaning on my shoulder "..is the boss. Don't call him boss he hates it, call him Max. He is the head of the kitchen and until now was the the only one in the kitchen." 

"Yo everyone lovely to see you all again. Please introduce yourselves." 






"Uh... Connor. New kitchen help."

"Cool, so we open soon so I'm going to say this fast. If someone harasses you come to me or Max immediately, always be nice to costumers even if their being rude, never push a tip, if there's a family always be nice to the kid if the kid comes to you, sometimes you can girl them a free cookie or milkshake. We have out special regulars, Mrs. and Mr. Smith, they are an old married High-school sweetheart couple always be nice to them, they were friends with Max's parents." They all nodded, I smiled "Great! All your uniforms are in the back! And Connor you don't need to change, here's your apron." I handed him a apron and he smiled. 

"Bye bye." Max said as he kissed my temple and walked to the kitchen with Connor. I heard the doorbell, I was the only one out. All the girls were changing, I sighed and pulled out my notepad and walked over to where I saw the bodies.

"Hello! Welcome to Fence's Café! I'm Amelia and I will be your waitress today, what may I get you?" 

"I never took you as the stripper type... you seem to innocent." I froze and looked up... fucking Levi.

"Sorry sir, please do not mention my afternoon job while I'm at my morning job." I smiled at him, god I really don't like him.

"Ok, I will not. I do have one question and I'll shut up."

"What is it sir?"

"Why can't we touch you?"

"Uh... it's my bosses rules. No hands on me, I do private dances but that's in a seperate room and you can sit an watch but not touch." I sighed "Now your order?"

"I might have to get that." I heard him whisper "Uh... we'res till thinking come back to us yes?" I nodded my head and left. I rubbed my temples.

"Everything ok?" I looked up at Max who was covered in dough

"Yeah... they didn't order yet so I have nothing for you." He nodded and kissed my forehead and headed back to the kitchen.

"Um..  Amelia?" I heard a voice, I turned to see Kristian with a tray.


"The old pastries what do we do with them?"

"Oh good question!" I showed her where to put them and that she could take some home. I then saw a waving hand... Levi. God someone save me... "Kristian?" she hummed in response "That table over there... 6. Take their order for me please, I'll finish putting these away."

"Ok!" She walked over to the table, I saw their faces drop when she walked over. She took their orders happily and gave them to Max who thanked her. The day was going smoothly till I looked out the window to see my father about to walk in. 

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