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It was time to sneak out, no it wasn't smart but I wanted to. I've been stuck in this house for two weeks now, I hate it. When the guard turned around we ran for it, we heard them calling for us but we ignored it. We jumped in the uber, "Hit it!" Mary yelled. The guy listened and drove off. Once I got there I was greeted by all the girls, Loren was crying when she saw me.

"Ok your solo is on now, here." Mary handed me a mask so people won't know it's me, I was excited I've missed this. Levi installed a poll in the dance room so I'm more than prepared, I always go there everyday it makes me happy. I went on stage and no one was screaming or shouting. I was weird but then I remember business had been slow, I'm doing this for Loren and Mary. 

I started my solo and that's when voices started to shout and holler. 


"You've returned!!"

"We love you!!
 "We miss you!!"

"Come please!!! Touch me!!!"

I smiled at the comments, sure stripping isn't good but their comments made me feel confident. I hated when people pinched out touched my fat, I could easily become self-conscious. I danced my heart away, when I was done I bowed and a guard helped me down. I was happy and out of breathe. I walked into the changing room and Mary was jumping up and down in excitement then there was a knock on the changing room door. I opened it and my eyes widened.

"What the hell Lia! I was worried sick! Why here out of all placed!" He dragged me outside towards the car I yelled by to Mary. I sat in the passenger, his eyes skimmed my body. I forgot I didn't change, I was barely wearing clothes. 

"Fuck Lia I thought you left me." His forehead on the steering wheel.

"I-I'm sorry... I wanted to gain my confidence back." I whispered 

"I got you a poll for that, you begged me for it."

"Yeah but no one is cheering me on though! When I hear the cheers I feel confident!"

"You don't need those middle aged married men with 2 children cheering you off with boners in their pants just waiting to get their hands on you! And I cheer you on..."

"You what?"

"I cheer you on Lia! The mirror in that room is fake! It's a window, I watch you on the other side! I watch as the smile I want you to give me as you dance like your life depends on it! You never truly smile at me, you only give it to Mary or Karl like fuck I'm jealous of Karl! You give him all your attention, could've fooled me as a fucking couple!"

"You watch me?"

"Yes! It's the only time I can see you fucking smile and I won't give it up for the fucking world!" I didn't even realize we were driving, we were already home. I looked at him in shocked, he watches me dance... I've always wanted him to watch me dance. Those other times were different. My body moved without my mind even thinking... I kissed him. I climbed over to his lap, he kissed me back as his hands were on my ass and mine were around his neck.

It was my first kiss, he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance I gave it to him. We fought for dominance, I let out a moan as I tugged on his hair. He let out a groan which sent vibrations down my throat, I started to grind against his dick that was already hard and I was wet. It felt so good I didn't want to stop, I felt his dick get bigger and bigger as I got wetter and wetter. He gripped my hips more and let out a moan... fuck. 

I pulled away and he groaned in annoyance, I looked at him and his eyes were on my lips. His lips were more red and plumped, I didn't know what to say. We both caught our breathes as we looked at each other. "I-I'm sorry." I panicked and ran out of the car and into the house, Karl, William and Caleb were in the kitchen so was James. They saw the panic on my face.

"You ok?" Caleb asked, I shook my head vigorously.

"I-I didn't mean to.... uh.." Then Levi came through the door, I blushed and ran up the stairs. I couldn't face him, I took a shower and prepared myself for bed. When I was in my pajama's I heard a knock on the door I opened it to see Karl and Caleb standing there. I hugged Caleb tightly wrapping my legs around him,  I haven't seen him in a while.

He placed he on his lap as we sat down, I knew why they were here. "Boss can't focus on his work... do you know anything about this?" Caleb asked, I blushed and hid my face in his chest an nodded. "Explain please." 

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