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I liked this swimsuit, it was just cute

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I liked this swimsuit, it was just cute. "Ok gurl I see you." Mary said, we walked out to the pool. It was summer and I'm pale. I dipped myself in the pool and the went to a sun chair and tanned with Mary and Ethan. After a while I felt a shadow over me "What the...." I looked to se Levi. "Move."

"What do you guys think you're doing?" Caleb saying not talking his eyes off Ethan

"Tanning." Ethan replied "Please move." Caleb moved, I smiled at that. Jacob was next to Mary applying some sun cream.

"Le... I want to tan." He sighed and moved over

"What's your plan?"


"Yes... you're torturing all three of us." Did he know about Caleb and Ethan, I looked over to see them kissing. "Yes we know about them, Caleb gave a warming speech."

"I did." He backed up Levi while smiling at Ethan who was also smiling. 

"Their so fucking cuteeee" Mary said

"Why can't I tan?"

"You can.... but why out here?"

"You have a pool Le why wouldn't I?"

"Boss! Boss!" said someone running out, he stopped and eyed me, Levi noticed and quickly snapped him out of it.

"Don't look at her like that... what do you want?"

"Uh... we're under attack." Caleb and Jacob got up and ran inside. Levi stayed behind, he looked scared.

"Closet behind my sweatpants theres a door, it can only be opened form the inside once locked. All of you go in there, if someone comes knocking don't open it. Everyone is instructed to say something about you that only you know. Go now!" We got up but I paused and looked at Levi "I'm going to be ok, please just go to safety." We ran upstairs, I showed them to his room and closed his door and closet door. We found the room and went inside. 

"What the fuck!" Ethan said

"Their in a powerful mafia..."

"I wish I was wearing clothes." Mary stated

"Mafia! My first boyfriend is a dangerous man?!"

"Not by choice, by family. Caleb is a good man, he would never hurt any of us especially you." I looked around, it was another room, there was a bed, a sink, a fridge, a microwave. I handed Ethan a water bottle he downed it. 


It's been two hours and no one has showed, we then heard a banging on the door. I put my index finger on my lips telling them to be quite. "Let me in I'm one of the new kids!!" The person yelled on the other side, I shook my head. I don't recognize the voice. "Let me in you whore!!! I don't want to die!! Please!!!"

I placed my hand over my mouth, I was shaking. The banging didn't stop, we were all shaking in terror. Then there was a gunshot and another and another.

 "Mary! When we met I protected you so you wouldn't get killed because I you were the most beautiful women I've ever seen and I hate you using your body but I let you because it make you happy even though you can live with me and I can support you." It's Jacob, Mary opened the door. Jacob helped us out of the room. 

"Come on guys. We're leaving." He was covered in blood but it didn't belong to him, we saw three bodies on the floor, I covered my mouth to prevent a noise. I took three of Levi's shirts from his closet for us to wear. Once we stepped out there were bodies everywhere. "Amelia.. you're going to have to fight too. You're the only on I can count on right now."

"Only... one?" I stuttered, he tossed me a gun, we've only done gun training once. I missed every shot. Jacob carried Mary who was unable to walk and Ethan as right behind him. I saw a man and shot him, one guy had a knife, I put up a fight and stabbed him in the chest. We finally got outside and hopped into a black car.

We drove in silence, I was numb was he alive? Who even is a alive? We pulled up into an airport "Get in" We ran into a jet, inside was Connor and some other new kids, they were seriously injured. I sat with Ethan and we held each other, I was shaking like crazy. Once Jacob entered and sat next to Mary I finally talked

"Wh-y w-were we att-ttacked?" 

"They found out that the biggest mafia boss found a girl.... they want to take her and held her captive to get to his soft spot." He said with no emotion. 

I looked over to Connor who was covered in blood as well, he was looking at me with sad eyes. I couldn't even send him a small smile. I tried to sleep but couldn't.... those dead bodies.... all my friends.... Ethan seemed to calm down and so did Mary but my anxiety was through the roof. My whole body wouldn't stop shaking, Ethan was holding me trying to calm me down but it wasn't working. I was terrified, we finally landed and got out. We got into another black car and drove off. 

We pulled up in front of a mansion, I wobbled out of the car and Connor helped me walk. "You're going to be ok." I just nodded. Connor helped me to a room I didn't fall asleep I couldn't. The door opened to reveal Ethan he just sat on my bed and pulled me into his arms. We both lost people we love, who knows how long we can survive. 

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