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I was awkwardly sitting on the floor because I didn't want to sit on the couch. Levi seemed annoyed by it but I didn't really care. "So what do you want?"

"I- um. Sorry for ignoring you all."

"It's ok sweetheart." Karl said smiling, I missed his smile. 

"I was just scared... you guys are killers you know."

"For a good reason." Levi said

"Which is?"

"It's a family thing, the next child I have is going to be the next heir. I'm not even the boss yet."

"Then who is?"

"My father..."

"Where is he?"

"Dying in a hospital bed." I gasped "Everyone dies, I need to find a wife. Hence the redhead girl you saw leave my room."

"Seemed like you liked her just fine." I mumbled "Am I even safe with you?"

"Yes, safer than you will be with anyone else." I sighed and nodded, as long as I'm safe. I walked out not wanting to talk anymore, I'm happy their honest with me. I walked to my room or at least what I though my room was. Once I opened my door I noticed it smelled like Levi, I looked up to see aa black room. 

"Wrong room love." I turned to see the redhead looking at me with her arms crossed around her chest and a raised eyebrow.


"Fuck off ok! He's going to be my husband! He doesn't like your fat ass! I mean look at you you're so.... so .... huge!" She started to laugh "Fuck off my man ok.... Ms. Piggy." I felt my eyes tear up, I punched her, I hate violence but it was necessary. I saw blood come from her nose. "You bitch!" She lunged towards me, I moved and tripped her. I learned self defense from Loren just incase of a man gets a little touchy. 

I put her in a head lock "Apologize!" She kept tapping my arm "Apologize!!!" She started kicking, I wrapped my legs around hers "Apologize and I'll let go!"

"I-I'm sorry." I let go, I got up and brushed my clothes off. She was coughing "You're crazy!" Then her eyes darted behind me "Baby did you see what she did to me?! Kill her!" I turned to see all the boys with wide eyes, and smirks. 

"Yes I did... I also heard what you said to her." 

"Bu-t I'm not wrong! Since when was it a crime to say the truth!" She stood up and started to run towards me screaming, I took my stance and punched her, she fell to the ground knocked out. 

"Holy shit sweet's you can fight!" Karl said picking me up

"I learned it from my boss at the club." I said, he placed me down and leaned his forehead against mine. 

"Don't listen to her, you're beautiful." He kissed my forehead and sent me a wink. "Levi that was so bad ass right!"

"Why did you never use it on your father?"

"I- he's my father." 

"Jacob start training her tomorrow."

"JACOB! Why not Caleb or Karl!!"

"You're too close to them they'll go easy on you." 

"I would do no such thing boss!" Caleb protested while putting his hands on his hips

"Yeah!" Karl agreed

"See!!! I want them! Not stuck up anti-social Jacob!"

"Don't be rude." Jacob said

"Look who's talking!" Then Jacob picked me up and threw me over his shoulder "Put me down!!!"

"No we're going to train!"

"He said tomorrow!!! It's today! Not tomorrow!!"

"I don't care we're training now." He opened a door and placed me down "You need to change, there's a room over there and clothes." I grunted and walked over


I've been here for an hour, we stretched and now we're boxing. "Come on! Give me everything!" I punched hard and harder. "Ok stop... stop." I stopped and caught my breathe, he walked behind me and put my hair into a ponytail. 

"Thanks." He stepped out of the ring and I followed him.

"Hit it." He was standing behind a punching bag, I hit it. "Again!" I did it again "Everything you hat about yourself, how people treat you, your past life everything that bugs you is in this bag. With each punch they go away, now do not say it out loud say it in your head and punch. When something comes in your head punch it and it goes away." I nodded, I took my stance as he held the bag ready for my punch.

My dad... punch... Max... punch punch.... Abuse... punch punch punch.... my mom leaving me... punch punch... Max assaulting me... punch punch punch punch.... lies.... punch punch punch punch...... my fucking body.....punch punch punch punch punch.... i'm fat.... punch punch punch.... Levi doesn't like me.... punch punch punch punch.... I LIKE LEVI..... punch punch punch punch....... I... punch... have.... punch.... no.....punch....one.... punch punch punch punch punch punch.

"Amelia stop..." I ignored him "Amelia!" I flinched and stopped, my hands were in pain. I looked down to see my knuckles were bleeding.


"It's ok, you did good. I could tell you were into it. We are done, tomorrow 10am sharp. Come follow me to the kitchen I will ice your knuckles." I nodded and followed him, I may not like Jacob but he sure knows how to teach. We walked into the kitchen, I sat on the stool as he got out the first aid kit, he rubbed my knuckles with alcohol, I hissed. Levi walked in with Karl.

"Dude I said train not torture!" Levi said rushing to me and examining my knuckles

"It's my fault I didn't stop punching." 

"There, try not to use your hands for a few hours."

"Yeah because that's such a simple task I want to shower! and I'm hungry."

"Don't worry love I'll help." Levi said carrying me bridal style upstairs, we haven't been this close since the kiss. I wasn't scared about what was going to happen I just might not be prepared. 

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