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Karl's pov

She sat there begging me to tell her, she's so fucking cute. I shouldn't have told her I love a girl, I know she won't stop bugging me. I love her. She's the girl I love, from the day I met her. She was so kind to us and didn't mistreat us, then when I came to the bakery I wasn't even hungry I just wanted to hear her voice. The way she would cling to me when we first met and didn't want to let go made me fall for her more.

I see the way she looks at boss, she likes him but he used her and now she's hurt. She tries to hide it but I can see right through her. When she ignored me after she saw me kill someone broke me, I couldn't touch her. Her warm touch, I was so cold without her I was freezing. I was depressed for those days, she wouldn't look at me and when I reached out to her she'd flinch. Her eyes filled with fear, she saw me as a monster.

I almost melted when she kissed me in front of Levi to make him jealous, it took all my power to not get a boner. God she was an amazing kisser but I know I can't have her. For no I'll watch her and make sure she never get's hurt.

"A girl I met at a club." I joked, she pouted her cute little pout and she leaned back on my leg. I was warm again, I started to stroke her soft hairs. "She's nice you might like her."

"That's not funny Kar-Kar. I really believed you!" That nickname made me want to take her right then and there. 

"Sorry sweetheart." I bent down and gave her a little kiss. She smiled, I love her smile. 


Original pov

I was putting some of my books in my locker, "Lia!" I turned to see Ethan jogging towards me, when he got closer I made a face. "What?" My mouth dropped open, he looked so hot without glasses fuck me!

"Careful there some drool is slipping." Caleb said while wiping my mouth, I slapped his arm.

"You're glasses...."

"Oh I decided to wear contacts today. Why you don't like them?"

"I like.... a lot." I nodded, then Ethan smiled. Jesus his fucking smile and that dimple that has like more dimples and his smile was just million dollars. Jesus I couldn't hold back I turned away from him and started to breathe in and out. 

"You ok?" I heard Jacob ask

"Class. we need to go to class."

"School is over Lia.... are you sure you're ok?" I turned around and saw Ethan with a worried look I blushed and hid my face in my hands. God this is embarrassing.

"Wanna come over to my house?" I blurt

"Oh yeah that'd be cool!" We got into the car and Jacob drove "So.... are you guys related?"

"Ah god no! We're just really close friends that live together and their..... I guess you can say friend is my guardian." 

"Oh.. cool." Ethan said as he stretched his arm around my shoulder, I scooted closer to him and leaved my head on his shoulder.

"It's a big house, he's like rich." Jacob pulled into the driveway and I saw Ethan's mouth drop open as he looked around. When we entered I noticed William, I smiled and hugged him. "Will!" I jumped on him and he catched me.

"Hey babes how are you?" I got off and smiled at him


"Who's this?" I turned to see Ethan looking around awkwardly, I took his hand and pulled him.

"This is Ethan! He goes to my school, really smart good grades!" Ethan smiled at my words

"Treat her right or else we will all torture you till your last breathe." Will threatened, the problem is that I knew he wasn't lying. I laughed.

"He joking Eth, come I'm hungry." I led him to the kitchen and there he was was, Levi with Cassie. I ignored then and went through the cabin, I felt arms snake around me it was Ethan. I smiled "Can you get that for me I'm not tall." I pouted, he chuckled and reached over me. That was hot, we sat down and ate. 

"Are you going to introduce me to your friend?" Levi asked as Cassie was clinged to his arm

"Why do you care? You're mine!" Cassie whined

"Shut up Cass."

"This is Ethan he goes to my school. We are kind of...."

"Kind of what?" Levi said irritated, Ethan looked at me with amusement.

"A thing." Ethan answered for me, I blushed and looked down. 

"No." I looked up and stared at Levi



"Fuck you Le! You have no say in this!"

"Yes I do I'm your guardian and he's not good for you."

"Then who is?" He closed him mouth "He's perfect for me, he treats me nice and has amazing grades, he's going to get a scholarship a full ride! He's amazing for me! Even the guys like him, if you tell me who is better for me then I will leave him. Right now" I wasn't actually going to and I think Ethan knew that too, Levi just glared at Ethan and left the kitchen with Cassie following him.

I leaned my head against Ethan's shoulder. "Sorry about that."

"It's ok, it was a childish argument. It meant nothing."

"I hope you know I didn't actually mean I was going to leave you.... I really like you."

"I do too." 

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