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I was punching Jacob's hands, my knuckles were hurting but I didn't mind. He taught me what to do when someone grabs my leg, we've been training for about 2 weeks now and I've gained muscles and abs. I used to just be flash and bone now I have some meat, meat that I'm not insecure about. 

"One more." I did it and stopped, I grabbed my water bottle and drank from it. Levi has been spending time with the Cassie (blonde girl) a lot, I think their dating. He used me and it made me mad because I actually started to fall for him. It made me mad because the way he touched me and kissed me made me believe he actually liked me back. Plus the way he would glare at guys who would touch me. 

"You did good today. I'm proud at how much you've accomplished." I nodded at Jacob as I chugged my water. The gym door opened and in came Cassia and Levi, they were smiling at each other, she was in gym attire. "You're angry again."

I looked at Jacob, he can tell when my mood changes since he's seen each one of them during training. "Can we go again?"

"If you insist." We got back in the ring, I jumped up and down while moving my head side to side trying to crack it. I looked up and took my stance, I started punching Jacob's gloves.

"Harder!..... Faster!..... Is that all you got!...... You're weak!..... Come on!...... Give it to me!......" I then punched really hard that I busted the glove. 

"Shit." I took off the glove and my knuckles were bleeding like crazy.

"Come on, kitchen." I got out of the ring and I saw Levi staring at me as he was kissing Cassie, I looked away and walked to the kitchen.

"You have a lot of anger built up and you really need to let it go, you choose punching because it helps but you have so much trauma that it hurts you even more when you do punch it away. You have to be more self aware, I'm not always going to be there to wrap your wounds." I nodded


I woke up to my alarm, school. I got ready and today I wanted to get noticed by every boy in school. I need to get laid as soon as possible. 

I walked downstairs and Karl was waiting for me, "Ah look at you

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I walked downstairs and Karl was waiting for me, "Ah look at you." He kissed my forehead, my eyes darted towards to kitchen to see a shirtless Levi eating cereal and Cassie wearing the shirt. I sighed and walked out. Once we got to school eyes were on us, we were popular. We came out of no where and are got and we don't talk to anyone. 

"Hey..." I heard a voice say, I turned to see some kid "I'm Ethan." I raised my eyebrow and gave him a smile.


"Yeah... I know. I was wondering if you wanted to hangout at lunch?"

"No. She's with us." Caleb said scaring Ethan

"You're in my chemistry class." Ethan's face lit up and nodded "Yeah! You're the kid who get's 100's all the time and nothing less. I'm struggling in that class could you help me? You could sit with us and help me during lunch. If you want"

"Oh yeah! I'd love to, see you then!" He waved and walked away, I saw the guys giving me a look.

"What he's cute." We walked to our first period, Mr. Mike can never take his eyes off of me. Once he handed me my paper and said 'I can help you with your work afterschool if you want' and gave me a creepy grin I told him no obviously because no. 

It was lunchtime and I saw Ethan sitting at our table, people were giving him stares like he was crazy or something. Ethan is quite good looking, sure he has glasses but his jawline and eyes are beautiful, he's also nice and his body is to die for. If people didn't look at him as a nerd he'd have many girls on him. I sat next to Ethan "Oh you guys came!"

"Yeah why wouldn't we?" Karl asked

"Well, I was sitting here and getting looks and I thought you were trying to make a fool out of me or something."

"Listen kid, we're not those type of people. We're nice just don't let anyone in but if Lia likes you then we like you." Jacob said

Lunch was nice, Ethan is really good at explaining things. They guys started to like him and Ethan saw the side of them that no one really see. "Thank you so much Ethan you're a life saver!"


"Yo buddy, you should sit with us more often I like you." Jacob said with his rare smile

"See you around Eth." I said giving him a kiss the cheek, I saw him blush which made me blush. I quickly walked away. 


I was laying on the couch leaning my head on Karl's  lap as he stoked my hair. "I saw you blush when you kissed him."

"Shut up! Leave me be."

"He's a nice kid I like him."

"I do too, it's too early to tell though. I'm so confused why girls aren't all over him, I mean you saw his abs and fit body right?"

"A lot of girls in your school like douche-bag brain dead kids."

"Well why don't you guys go for someone?"

"I'm in love with a girl."

"Tell me about her!" I said sprinting up from his lap and staring at him "Who's the lucky girl?! Tell me!"

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