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I jolted awake by people talking, I was confused where I was. I wasn't home, I looked around to see I was in the café laying on Max who was also sleeping. I lifted my head off of him and saw Mrs. and Mr. Smith looking at us with happy faces. "Good morning dear." Mr. Smith said

"Good-morning Mr. and Mrs. Smith, how are you?" I said getting out of Max's arms, Mrs. Smith handed me a toothbrush and toothpaste.

"Good. How was last night." She grinned at me, I rolled my eyes as she followed me to the bathroom.

"We went shopping and snacked on the pastries. I guess we fell asleep." I said while brushing my teeth, she started to brush my hair and fix my clothes. I always keep a spare pair of clothes at the café just incase a disaster happen. When I finished brushing my teeth, Mrs. Smith smiled at me through the mirror. I hugged her, she's like the mother I never had. 

"Come on dear, Jerold warmed up some muffins and coffee for you." I walked out to see a shirtless Max, I cover my eyes and blushed. I heard him chuckle, I removed my hands to see him dressed with a toothbrush in his mouth. 

"Good-morning Lia." His voice was tired and husk.

"Good-morning Boss." I teased, he rolled his eyes and placed the toothbrush in a draw as I also handed him mine. 

"Looks like our work here is done. Imagine if you guys never gave us the spare key." Mr. Smith said.

"How greatful we are for you Mr. Smith." I smiled at them, they left waving. I let out a sigh slapping my forehead with my hand. "I have the club tonight."

"Yeah... I'll drop you off and pick you up like usual?" I nodded "So how'd you sleep?" He asked putting on his apron.

"Quite good, I needed it. You?"

"It was nice with you in my arms." I rolled my eyes as I also tied my apron. "The kitchen is calling me." He said placing a kiss on my forehead as he stepped into the kitchen. I started to clean up the food we left out last night, I started to mop the floor, wipe the tables and throw away the food. Max came out with fresh trays replacing all the old food. We kept the old food to give away but you can never sell a day old pastries to customers. 

The door opened and the bells rung, I turned to see Karl and William. I smiled at them as they smirked back, "Are you eating in or to go?" I asked

"You want to get rid of us already sweetheart?" Karl said

"Oh no! I'm sorry I jus-"

He laughed "Calm down, it was only a joke. To go." I nodded and wrote down their order, I showed it to Max. He said 10 minutes, I waited for him to come out of the kitchen ad I served other tables. William and Karl just stood at the desk waiting for their orders. 

"Lia!" I brushed past the guys and went straight to the kitchen, Max handed me their order. I get him a kiss on the cheek and walked towards them.

"That will be 15.65." I said handing them their muffins and coffee.

"Here, keep the change." William handed me a 50 and just walked out. I smiled and tucked it in my apron pocket. 


We closed up and Max drove to to the club, it's illegal that I work there but the boss loves me. She knows how bad I need the money so she made and acceptation, plus I bring more customers in. I sighed as he parked in front of the back exit, I saw Mary open the door for me. She's one of the workers there, I like her a lot.

"Thanks for dropping her off Max!" She yelled

"Anytime! I'll be here at 9." He said sending me a wink and driving off, I walked in with Mary. Most of the girls came in through the front but since I'm young they want me to come through the back. 

"If you don't suck his dick I will." Mary joked, all the girls were much mature than me. They aren't virgins and they know how to please a man, I'm unexperienced. I got dressed in a bra top that barely covered my boobs and a underwear thong, I hand fish net tights and high heels. The reason Loren (my boss) hired me is because I have a killer body. 

I started at my body and let out a sigh "Go!" Mary said, I lightly jogged out. I was used to running in these heels but I don't want to risk. I waited for the lights to turn on to start dancing, my one main rule from Loren was to never make eye contact with any of them men. They will think I want them and they won't stop till they get me. I started to dance and I heard familiar voices, I didn't look. I just focused my ears on them, cash was being thrown at me but I ignored it.

I kept dancing and then I pinned the voices... it's Levi. I didn't really care, I ignored him and kept dancing. Man were hollering disgusting things at me. They were under strict rules to not touch me and to only watch. Once I was done, I was catching my breathe and walked off the stage. A guard followed me. My eyes widened when I say 5 thick stacks of hundred dollar bills where I was dancing. Then my eyes met his, he had a big smirk on his face. 

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