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I hurried to the back, he had a lady around his arm. He doesn't know I work here and he didn't need to. "Uh.. Max" He looked at me an rushed towards me when he saw me worrying.

"What's wrong?"

"He's here... can I go on a break or something." He looked and his eyes widened. 

"Sophia!" Sophia came in and she saw me she looked confused. "You see that man with the lady?" she nodded her head "Serve them, do not mention Lia to them. Make sure to inform the rest of the girls. If he lays a finger... on you. Tell me instantly."

"Ok!" She hurried out and I saw her whisper stuff to the girls as they nodded. I helped Connor and Max in the kitchen. "I wonder who she is." 

"It's not your problem love."

"It is though! I'm still paying rent for that expensive house!"

"Calm down. I told you we'll get your stuff and you'll move in with me yeah?" I nodded as Kristian came in. "Yes?"

"Uh he slapped Sophia." My eyes widened, Max an Connor stormed out as the girls brought Sophia in. I heard yelling outside but ignored it. I helped Sophia with her cheek, she was sobbing.

"A-all I sai-d w-as n-no..." I sighed, my dad hated the word 'no'. The doors burst opened and it was Levi.

"Levi this isn't the time!" He grabbed my arm and dragged me to another room "Levi!"

"It's him isn't it?" I gave him a confused look "He's the one who give you the bruises." He seemed mad, I gave him a slow nod "Fuckkk princess I could've helped you!" he said as he wiped his hand over his face.

"Help me! Levi I just freaking met you! I don't even like you!" Max stormed in the room and glared at Levi.

"The fuck are you doing here?"

"Just talking to her. She's my favorite waitress you know."

"Fuck off dude."

"Listen I only came here to reason with her.... would you like to live with me?" my eyes widened at his words... would I like to WHAT!

"No she lives with me." 

"Well... sad. See you later princess." He walked passed Max... what was that about?


I was at the club tonight, "Mary!!!"

"I'm sorry I'm sorry. I forgot, I promise tomorrow. Just text me." I saw bruises on her hips.. she must've done a lap dance. 

"Can I put something on that?" I pointed at the bruises, she nodded. I got out my ointment and started to rub it in. Then Jamie walked in... Jamie is transgender and she only does private dances for men who like girls with penis's. 

"Hey girlsss" She said happily, me and Mary said 'hey' in unison "Melia! Good news! Hot guy from last night requested a private dance." She sent me a wink

"Hot guy?"

"Oh  my god! The one that threw a bunch of hundreds at you!" No they can't be serious...

"Fuck." I sighed and walked out to the room, I opened the door and there he sat. With Karl, I liked Karl he was a new regular at the shop. He's nice and gentle even Max started to like him. "Hello sirs, anything special for tonight?" I asked seductively

"Yeah, sit and be quite." Levi said, I sat on the stage and looked at him. Karl gave me a blanket to cover up since he didn't like seeing me like this. "I'm your new legal guardian! Surprise! Now you have to live with me! That's why no guards are around, since I'm your legal guardian." He was right there were no guards around. 

"Um.. why?"

"Because I don't like your dad and I don't like you living with that kid... teenage boys have bad intentions."

"Bug off Levi! He's been there for me since forever! If he had bad intentions I'd know by now!"

"Really? Then... I'm guessing you already know about the humping? The assault?" I gave him a confused look. "Well... once I saw the way he looked at you the first dat I met you I sent some investigators at your house. They took some interesting photos...." 

"You were spying on us!"

"For your safety sweetheart!" Karl said calming me down, Levi patted the seat in between him and Karl. I sat there but more close to Karl than him. He showed me photos on his iPad. I was terrified... photos of him jerking off to me when I was sleeping, photos of him rubbing his dick on my back as I slept, even some videos... but the one that scared me the most was his dick in my mouth when I was asleep and videos of his jerking off as I talked to him on the phone. How did I not notice this?

"He drugs you when he can't control himself, when he can't control what's in his pants." I slid to a video of him jerking off in the shower to photos of me he was saying nasty things like:

"Fuck yeah baby!"
"Oh yeah that's the spot!"

"Suck on it you whore!"

"I love you!!" He showed me another video of him fucking a girl, I didn't know why he showed it to me. He pressed play... the girl he was fucked had a photo of me taped to her face and he kept on calling her by my name. There were more photos of him sniffing my underwear and jacking off... I had enough. "Turn it off please." He turned it off, I cried in Karl's shoulder and he cooed me. How could I be so blind? How could he do this to me? 

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