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We walked into a building and it had many rooms, I heard people screaming and yelling.

"You will be put into groups, I will be expecting you to be doing your best." Levi said, he looked hot in a suit "As you see we have a women here." He locked eyes with me and I immediately looked down "She will be fighting against you, just because she has different body parts than you doesn't mean you will be treating her any different. If I hear or see you're going easy or being disrespectful to her, you will he punished understood?" 

"Yes sir." Everyone said in unison besides me. 


We were shoved into a room with a boxing ring in the middle, "When we call your name we you will enter the ring, the fight can win by death or a tap out." Caleb said standing in the middle of the ring with a clip board. I wonder if anyone else noticed but they didn't tell us how many people they were accepting or how you can fully win. I raised my hand, "Yes?"

"Uh does the fight continue if the person falls out of the ring?" 

"No, the fight ends, but the person who fell out will get another chance. If they fallout again they lose, the person they fought with will also go against someone else." I nodded, it's weird seeing my nice amazing cute little friends so intense and serious. Caleb started to call names, I haven't been called. I leaned against the wall watch as Connor beat the shit out of some kid, Connors moves were fast and sharp, he never missed. 

"What are you thinking?" I jumped at the voice I turned to see Jacob, I smiled.

"His movements are sharp and fast, he doesn't miss. It's like he calculates his moves before doing it. The kid he's fighting is just going off of adrenaline and not an actual plan or strat." Jacob nodded at my answer "You told me to know my opponents and I'm doing just that." He smiled at my answer and ruffled my hair

"Good job kid, I'm proud." I frowned at the name

"We're close in age you asshat stop calling me 'kid'" He sent me a cheeky grin and walked away.  

"Amelia and Denis!" I walked up to the ring and everyone was gasping. I looked up at Denis, he was much taller than me and had a lot of muscles. I took off my shirt to reveal a sports bra, make sure he can't grab on anything. I put my hair up in a tight bun so it won't come apart. 

"Listen little girl... might as well tap out now. I mean look at you... and look at me. You have no chance." So we have a talker, I hate talkers. They talk smoke but don't even want it, I ignored him and just stood there. "You heard me?" I didn't say a word "Alright, don't say I didn't warn you!" He lunged towards me, him running foot seemed injured the way he took off was wabbly. 

I ducked his punch and slammed the heel of my foot onto his injured one, he fell to the floor. I sat on top of him and started to punch him, "Just because I'm a fucking girl that is smaller than you doesn't mean shit you talker." I then felt a presence behind me, I pretended to ignore it. I saw his hand shadow holding a knife, when me moved it towards me I jumped off of him and he stabbed himself. He was coughing up blood.

"The winner is Amelia!" The crowd cheered, I went back to my spot. 

"You might be my only competition here love." Connor said with a smirk, I ignored him. 


It's been a few hours and I've gone against 10 people and have won each one. This round was the finals, Connor war right he is my only competition. "Now we will be spicing things up a little, three people will be called into the ring!" Caleb said, I've trained with Jacob fighting against 3 people, this should be easy.

"Next up, the final round. Connor, Eric and Amelia" Eric was a good player, he never stuck to a specific thing which means he's unpredictable but when it's in a fight that means he has to memorize his opponents moves and now that he's up against us, he will lose. 

Eric did give a good fight, me and Connor ganged up on him knowing that he would be in the way if we were to fight. Now it was just me and Connor, we threw everything we got. This was going on for 30 minutes, people in the crowd were cheering for both of us. I had all my anger built up for one punch that would knock him out, I threw it and he threw a hard one too causing us to fall back. His punch hurt like a bitch.

 "COME ON ONE OF YOU GET UP!" I heard someone in the crowd yelling, everything was spinning. I looked over to see Connor out cold, I was fucking trained for this. I'm not the same weak girl I used to be, I'm strong and independent. Jacob has punched me as hard as he can almost breaking my jaw so I could get up, Caleb and Karl have done the same. This punch was a little sting compared to there's, I started to move, everything was blurry and my head was spinning. There was blood dripping from my nose, is it broken? I hope not, I like my nose. 

I slowly got up and Caleb catched me, "You ok bubs?" I nodded. I then pushed myself off of his body and stood up straight. "Give it up for Amelia!!" Caleb yelled, the crowd went wild chanting my name. The yelling didn't help my severe headache it made it worst in fact "Cale-b..... I-I don't ffeell welllll." then everything went black. 

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