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Ethan left a few minutes ago, I got to know him a bit more and he's really cool. Before he left he kissed me on the corner of my lip, ah I was a blushing mess and to make it even weirder Mary decided to come up the stairs of the mansion. She questioned him and then approved, she's now laying on my bed.

"He's so dreamy! I'm happy for you."

"We aren't a full thing yet. It happened so quickly, I do really like him though."

"I want to see this school you go to." Mary doesn't go to school because she is financially supported but she does say she missed going.

"If they let you." Then there was a knock on my door, I told them to come in. It was Jacob, Mary's face lifted and she ran to him as he catches her. They kissed, the only time I really see Jacob smile like crazy is when he's with Mary. He won't admit it but he's in love with her and she has him wrapped around her skinny finger. He doesn't like that she strips but he knows she loves it so as long as she's happy he's ok with it. 

"Yes Jay?"

"Uh, I have some bad news for you." He said carrying Mary bridal style and sitting next to me on my bed

"Tell me... you're scaring me."

"Levi is training you today..."

"What! Why!"

"That's not the worst of it... Cassie is going to be there too." My eyes widened

"Jay! Why aren't you training me!"

"I'm supposed to but he told me no for today. You know I can't argue, sure we might be friends but he's still my boss." I groaned 

"Are you shitting me!!! I can't stand that man!!!" I wasn't lying but in a different context. Whenever I'm near him my body goes crazy and sometimes I can't keep my eye off of him and my legs go weak, oh my god whenever we brush past each other I swear I have an orgasm. "Please Jay... help me!!" I begged as I shook his arm

"Don't touch me and there's nothing I can do." 

"Mary! Help me!"

"Trust me bub I would but you know me. I can't stand him either, he boils my water. Not in a good way." I let out a sigh in defeat.

"If Cassie has a broken nose it's not my fault."


I was laying on the boxing ring floor, training started 3 hours ago and there's no sign of them here. I got up and was about to leave when I heard lauging nad giggling, the door opened to reveal Levi and Cassie.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" I yelled, they stopped laughing and looked at me. "Training was 3 fucking hours ago and you decide to show up now?!"

"Sorry babes our dinner date ran late." Cassie said shrugging

"Dinner fucking date my ass you bitch! Fuck you I'm out of here you wasted my goddamn time!" I jumped out but Levi grabbed my arm.

"Where do you think you're going." He spat

"On a dinner date... with Ethan." I smirked

"The hell you are!" I punched him straight in the nose, his head swung back.

"Don't fucking touch me again! Don't ever waste my time like that! Ever!" I stormed out of the room and went straight to my shower. I took a nice warm shower, I got changed and just sat on my bed. I punched a big mafia man in the fucking nose, he did deserve it.

Levi's pov

As I walked into the gym I saw her in all her beauty standing, I was happy to train her, to touch her but she seemed pissed at us. 

"Are you fucking kidding me!" I looked at her in shock, she's cursing she must be pissed. Before I got to calm her down she continued. "Training was 3 fucking hours ago and you decide to show up now?!" She was right, training did start 3 hours ago, I never knew she took this that seriously. 

"Sorry babes our dinner date ran late." Cassie said, Cassie is a nice person but she's just not for me. I need to pretend I like her, my dad is getting closer to death every single day and I need to find a wife. I wanted to calm Amelia down because she was fuming, I guess Jacob was right about how she really liked it, I can see a change in her body, she has muscle and abs now. 

"Dinner fucking date my ass you bitch! Fuck you I'm out of here you wasted my goddamn time!" She jumped out of the ring and headed for the door, I grabbed her by the arm not wanting her to leave. 

"Where do you think you're going." I tried to say calmly but it sounded rude

"On a dinner date... with Ethan." She smirked, god she knew I didn't like that Ethan kid. His name itself made my blood boil. 

"The hell you are!" I yelled at her, what she did next I would've never thought. She punched me right in the nose, I think she broke it. My head shot back, that was a hell of a punch. 

"Don't fucking touch me again! Don't ever waste my time like that! Ever!" She yelled as she stormed out of the room, I pinched my nose, god I forgot what it's like to have a broken nose. 

"Oh my god baby are you ok?!" Cassie asked "She's such a bitch! Why haven't you just killed her yet!" 

"Cassie shut the fuck up!" I shook my head trying to shake off the pain but she really did some damage. I called Jacob and he helped me with my nose, he didn't question me about it because I'm sure he already knows, I mean he has been training her and I'm guessing when they trained they got to know each other more. She punch wasn't just any simple punch, she punch was filled with anger, hatred and.... heartbroken. 

"All done boss." 

"Thanks." He handed me some painkillers, I sighed and went up to my room. I see Cassie in her lingerie trying to seduce me, I gave her a smirk. 

"Though I could ease your pain." She said spreading her legs, sex with her is so boring but I just wanted to do something so I went with it. 

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