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I had a solo soon, I quickly changed and Loren came in handing me a bag filled with my money. She gets some of it.

"You earned a lot today love." She winked at me

"Yeah... can I give you the money after my solo?"

"Of course love." She clicked her tongue and walked away. I put the bag of money in my locker and locked it. 

"You're up in 2." Mary said, I nodded. "So.. I was dancing on this guys lap and they wouldn't shut up about you. They even knew your name."

"Oh... yeah. They have probably been to the café."

"I need to stop by the café, I really want to try the muffin."

"Come tomorrow! I'll give you a free one!"

"You have convinced me. I'll be there, now go." She smacked my ass as I tumbled towards the door. I heard whistles and mean catcalling me, I ignored it as usual and only listened to the music. Money by Cardi B started playing, Mary taught me this, it took me a month to learn. It involves a lot of holding myself on the poll. 

"Yeah baby!"

"Come on look at me!"

"Marry me!"

"I know you love me!"

"Come to my house tonight!"

"How much for you in my bed?!"

"Look at how hard I am for you!"

"Goddess notice me!"

I was called Goddess in the club, I was the mysterious girl who danced not looking at a man once but the moment I started dancing their dick raised up. I had that affect on them and they didn't know why, they wanted me so bad, but no man was aloud to touch me. It made them hungry from me. Once the song ended the lights went out, I walked over to my guard and he lead me to the changing room. 

I changed my clothes, Loren watched me as she held my new bag of money. She handed me the bag as I walked to the money counter machine. I watched at it counted, I smiled at the total. I gave Loren her piece. I heard a knock on the back door, it was Max's knock. I opened the door and he smiled at me. I hugged him and motioned him to come in.

"So... how was today?" He said sitting next to me.

"Very nice... Levi was here."

"Levi... did he touch you!"

"No, you know no one is aloud to. But he gave me these stack of cash." I pointed at the money, his eyes widened.

"Ok as long as he didn't touch you." He said stroking cheek.

"Get a room!!" Mary said storming in half naked.

"Mary!!" I yelled, she rolled her eyes. I covered Max's eyes as she changed. 

"Max can you take me home? It's on the way to her house." Mary asked

"Uh.. I'm taking her to my house. Her dad isn't good right now." He said, Mary was another person who know about my dad. She only knew because I came into work bruised and she forced me to say it. 

"Fine, can you drop me off close?"

"No I will drive you there then drop you off. It's not safe at night."

"Awww.. what could I do without my prince charming!" She said as she hugged him, I released my hands from his eyes and he blinked rapidly to get used to the light. "Let go!" We walked out the back door and got in the car, I sat in the back with Mary as we sang at the top of our lungs. I waved bye as we dropped her off. 


I was laying in his bed wearing underwear and his shirt. I have many clothes at his house since I stay here a lot. "I'm going to the store, there's somethings I need." He said at the door.

"I'm coming!" I put on one of his shorts which I had to roll a lot of times and even then it was still big. I hated being home alone, it scared me too much. We drove to the store, I made sure to bring some money since I hate it when he pays for me. I pushed the cart as he placed things inside.

"So there's going to be more waitresses tomorrow." 


"Yeah, I interviewed them. I mean the café is doing amazing on it's own but I hate seeing you rush to every table."

"How nice of you, did you at least find someone for the kitchen." Max was very uptight about people in the kitchen, it's a family receipt and if there's one grain of sugar missing he can tell and he'll scold you for it. He's always working so hard in the kitchen and he's too stubborn to let someone help him 

"Yes I actually did." I smiled and hugged him

"Fucking finally!" His eyes widened and I covered my mouth, I never curse "Oh sorry."

"It's alright I know you hated me working alone in the kitchen, he also starts tomorrow. We will do a staff meeting in the morning another reason why you're staying with me." 

We paid and went back to his house, as I cuddled up next to Max getting comfortable, I drew circles on his back. Max has had nightmares since his parents died in an airplane crash, he's only sleeps peacefully when I'm with him. I draw the circles so he knows I'm there, as I hear his breathe even out I drift off as well. 

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