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Levi's pov

She seems more calm around me now but she like Karl much more. I'm happy that I'm her guardian now, I hated the way she was stripping. The way those men looked at her and would wait for her in front of the club hoping one day she would use it. That was was great full of Max for.. for making sure she was safe from them but he's no better. 

She has nightmares of Max coming or her dad coming after her, little does she know he's dead. One of them, I shot him right in between his eyes. The one I spared... well I rather not talk about it, but she doesn't need to know that. Once in a while Mary comes and visits her since she's her only friend left, Karl is her friend but he's busy working for me most of the time. She's become friends with some of the guards but their under strict rules to not have full conversations with her.

She is my little jewel, I promise her every night she wakes up from her nap that I'm here and that I will protect her with my life. When she waked up and sees me she goes right back to bed, last night she forced herself to stay up so we could talk since I'm never around. 

"Boss?" I looked up to see Karl


"Uh... it's Lia...." I shot up from my seat.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing.... she's throwing food at one of the guards." I followed him downstairs to see my angry jewel throwing food at one of my guards. All of the other guards tried to tell her to stop but they can't pull away since their not aloud to touch her. The guard she was throwing food at was one of my most trusted guards who I allowed to touch her or to talk to her. He must've said something to her to tick her off.

"I don't like you!" She said throwing waffles at him "I HATE YOU!" she poured syrup on him, I saw him get angry. I quickly pulled her away as she tried to get out of my grip.

"Calm down my dear please." I kissed her forehead and she calmed down a little. "What happened James?" 

"I said she looks dead and that she needs sleep. I kept calling her a zombie and a cluts because she kept tripping." He said chuckling at the memory, I chuckled with him.

"He wouldn't be quite about it! He kept teasing me! HE SQUISHED MY CHEEKS HE'S CALLING ME FAT!!!" She yelled lunging at him but was quickly grabbed by Karl, if I can't calm her down than Karl can.

"Come come sweetheart, you have to admit you are a little cluts. But you do look beautiful weather you have had lack of sleep or not." He said calmly, non of us was expecting what she would do next.. she slapped him and said.

"Fuck you! Fuck you all!!" and stormed upstairs not giving us another look, my eyes were widened and so was everyone else's. Karl was known to not take shit from anyone but when it came to Amelia he let things slide since she doesn't know about that part of his life. 

"She fucking slapped me!" Karl said

"Yes we all saw..." James said chuckling

"Call Mary." I ordered as one of my men grabbed a phone and called her. 

Original pov

I heard my door open, everyone usually knocks. Mary. I smiled and jumped into her arms, "You slapped him and cursed." 

"They were making fun of me and James pinched my cheeks and it made me feel like they were calling me fat and then Karl and Levi just laughed with him... it was so embarrassing."  

"Those motherfuckers!" She dragged me to his office and swung open the door. James, Karl, Levi and some other guards were there.

"You can't ju-" James said but was interrupted

"You shut the fuck up!" Nothing was more scary than Mary when she's mad... or me. "You fucking embarrassed her and made her feel bad about her body you assholes! You all took it too far! I don't car if it was a fucking joke! Apologize! NOW!"

I flinched everyone said 'sorry', "Good... now just because she was hurt doesn't mean she had a right to slap Kar-Kar." I giggled at his name "Apologize."

"I'm sorry Kar-Kar." He nodded his head

"Also.... yes it hurt her feelings but after this don't treat her like a fucking baby. If you do you will be dealing with me... do you all understand?" They all nodded their head "Good!" Mary walked out as I giggled behind her. I love Mary.

"How are things back at the club?"

"Fine.. Loren does miss you. I mean you were our main source, you got the bills paid." I still had a lot of money from stripping saved since Levi refuses to let me use my own money

"I wanna sneak out and do my solo..."

"Okk.. I'm listening."

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