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I started to get hungry, I went downstairs and to my luck they were there. I chose to ignore them, I went into the cabin and got some poptarts, chips, cookies anything that I didn't have to make so I wouldn't be there for long. 

"Woah calm down there, you're gonna have a sugar rush!" Caleb said as he reached his hand to take something from me I flinched really hard and fell. 

"Woah.... you ok?" Karl said, he tried to help me up but the moment he touched me I flinched again. I quickly grabbed the snacks and ran upstairs. 

"I told you it wasn't a good idea for her to come."

"She thinks I'm a monster!"

"Levi why did you want her to fucking come! The whole reason we took a liking to her is because she never saw us as monsters! She won't even let me touch her!"

"Listen you don't need to touch her! And so what, did you see they were shooting at her? She's their new fucking target, we have to let her go."

"Let her go! You're her fucking guardian! Did you forget that?!"

They kept on fight and fighting, they were so loud I couldn't eat in peace. I let out a sigh, I looked at the snacks in my had and felt disgusting. I'm a pig. I ran to the dance room and started to do the intense Mary taught me. No I'm not ready for it but I need to do it. It's been two hours and I've been doing it non-stop, I threw up a couple of times but that didn't stop me.

"A-amelia?" I turned to see Mary, I didn't stop dancing though.

"H-hey m-ar-y!" I said out of breathe

"The guys told me you've been doing the intense dance for hours.... you need to stop."

"I'm fine! I've gotten the hang of it!"

"Melia, you can't do this dance for hours your body will shut down!"

"Let it! Stop worrying about me Mar-" I felt sick, I ran to the bathroom and threw up, I felt someone pull my hair back and rub circles on my back.

"Why are you doing this to yourself?"

"I ate too much.... I need to work it off."

"One intense dance is fine... in the hours you did it you have probably done 50. Your body isn't used to it, you have to stop." I couldn't stand, she helped me up and wiped my face. "You're as pale and snow right now and you have a fever. Come on." She helped me up

"Hey let me carry her.." Karl reached for me

"No! Don't touch me!" I fell to the ground and started to cough

"It's ok Kar-Kar, I have her." Mary said, I saw him walk away. She helped me up to my room, we passed the kitchen where everyone was. Everyone has concerned faces.... will they shoot me? 

I woke up with a cold wet towel on my forehead, I let out a groan. "Ah you're up! Now let's talk." Mary said "Why are you ignoring them... why won't you let them touch you?"

"Their killers Mary... I saw it with my own eyes." She gave me a confused look, I told her the story. She didn't seem shocked or surprised at any of this, as if she knew it all "Their no different than my dad... my dad has tried to kill me several times. They way they looked Mary... I can't get it out of my head. They even laughed, when we got home they acted like nothing happened."  

"You're going to have to talk to them."

"Why are you so calm!"

"I-I knew this before you did, at the club. They days you wouldn't work there they asked me to do a private dance for them. They were doing business, it went wrong guns were shot. No one on the outside heard it because the rooms are soundproof, Jacob was there and protected me and made sure they didn't lay a finger on me." I was in shock how could she not tell me? "I left the club early and the next day Jacob hung out with me, he explained everything to me. Bit by bit, he didn't scary me though since he protected me. I didn't want to tell you because I knew you don't like people like that."

"Their murderers Mar..."

"Yes, but they will never hurt you. Why do you think I was so ok with them taking you, they can protect you more than I can. I was going to become your legal guardian but I don't want you around when I bring in men or when a man stalks me. Their better for you and safer." 

I nodded, I still couldn't process what was happening right now. Mary knew.... and they all just kill. I was standing in front of his office fidgeting with my fingers, Mary left a while ago. I promised her I'd talk to them, I was about to push the door open but it opened instead and I pushed someone.... Jacob and I was on top of him. 

"Oh- I'm sorry Jay!" I got up and helped him up, he didn't seem to care. He brushed his clothes and raised his eyebrow at me. 

"What is it?" 

"I- um... is everyone here?"

"Yes." He moved to reveal everyone.... William, Karl, Caleb and Levi. I gulped.

"Hey babes." William said with a smile, I gave him a small smile back. I would hug him but I'm kind of shy.

"I have questions."

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