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As we walked into the school I didn't really know what to do, girls were admiring the boys and some girls gave me nasty looks. We headed to the office to get our schedules and even the office lady's were drooling over them. My first class I had with all three of them, just great. 

As we walked into the class I realized everyone was already seated, late on the first day. "You're late." The teacher said

"I'm sorry." I said with a welcoming smile "It's our first day, kind of got lost." The teacher gave me a dirty grin.

"It's ok, happy to have you here." The guys took their seat and I took one near them, the teacher started to teach. He kept looking at me and I didn't know why, I saw girls staring at the boys and passing notes to them. They read it and crumpled it up they really didn't care, it made me giggle.

"Is something funny?" Mr. Mike asked me giving me a smile.

"Uh... no sorry." 

"Sorry teach, we were bothering her." Karl said grinning at me, I rolled my eyes and continued to take notes. The bell rang and I packed my stuff, I was always slow with packing my stuff. The boys just stood there waiting for me, once I put it over my shoulder I walked out and they followed. 

"You have me in your next class." Karl said

"Yay! Me and Kar-Kar!" He smirked, we said bye to Caleb and Jacob. Once we came in we weren't late to this class so the attention wasn't on us. This room looked kind of like an auditorium, all the seats were leveled and in rows. 

I sat down with Karl, he didn't take one note, he was just staring at me writing. "You have nice hand-writing." 

"Thanks I practice." He nodded and continued to stare. "Stop staring." He looked away, as I wrote I saw a tiny piece of paper flew on my notebook. Karl didn't seem to noticed, he seemed interested in the class. I looked around and locked eyes with some boy, he was smirking at me. He was cute but he seemed like a player. I opened it and it said 'Want to go out for lunch' with checkboxes that said yes and yes. I rolled my eyes and looked at him and mouthed 'no'.

He frowned and looked away and his friends laughed at him for getting rejected, the bell rung and Jacob was waiting for me outside of the door. I waved bye at Karl and followed Jacob, "Jay look!" I passed him the note, he raised his eyebrow.

"He didn't give you much of a choice now did he."

"Well I still said no, he looks like a player."

"Good." We walked into a room and I sat with him, the guy who passed me the note was on the other side of me. Jacob was taking down notes as if it mattered if her passed the class or not. I saw the kid place a paper on my desk, I opened it 'What's your name?' I crumbled it and continued to take notes, then I saw another paper 'playing hard to get?' I crumbled it again

I saw another paper on my desk this time Jacob grabbed it, he read it and I saw his jaw clench, he glared at the kid. The kid looked away I smiled at Jacob who just nodded. Class was over and it was finally lunch time, Karl and Caleb waited for us.

"Cay-cay!" I said as I hugged Caleb "I missed you."

"I missed you too bubba!" We walked to the lunch room

"Shit." I said as we sat down "What are we going to eat?"

"Oh I ordered uber eats." Karl said, I nodded as he got up to get the food. 

"A kid was hitting on me today." I informed Caleb


"Micheal Warts. He's a football player and he can go professional, he's a player and get's with girls make's them fall in love and then breaks them. I don't like him." Jacob said, Karl entered with bags of food. I smiled, as we ate we just talked about how school was. The boys seemed to hate Micheal. 

"Uh.... you guys should sit with us!" I heard a high pitch voice say, I turned to see a blond girl. He looked like she ran the school, I rolled my eyes and turned my attention to my food.

"We're good thanks." Karl said casually

"You guys are the new hot mysterious boys! You have to sit with us it you want a title!"

"Um, not looking for a title and seems like we already have one. We said no so beat it." Jacob said, I placed my hand on his thigh to calm him down.

"Sorry, we just don't want to sit with you." I said with a smile, she looked at me with disgust. She ignored what I said and turned back to the boys with a smile.

"Just think about it kay!" She walked away

"Just think about it kay!" I said mocking her, the boys laughed with me. Today was a long day but I'm happy I had the boys with me. Once we got home we went to the kitchen and there I find Levi making out with some blonde bimbo, I don't know why I felt betrayed it's not like we're dating or anything. I sighed and grabbed my snack ignoring them, I headed upstairs to do my homework. In two hours I has to train and I already know what to think about when I'm punching. 

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