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"I didn't sleep with him, he's a brother to me. Same as Karl." I rolled my eyes "And I couldn't feel my legs from Mary's intense dancing so he carried me up here."

"I've told you I'm jealous of Karl several times haven't I?" He sat on the bed and leaned closer to me.

"Y-yes... so?"

"So now I have to be jealous of Carl?" we were inches away, I felt his hot breathe on me.

"N-no. I told you their only friends." His lips were brushing against mine and then he suddenly pulled back.

"Good to know, you're grounded." 


"Yep... just because we had a little moment in the car doesn't mean I forgot about you sneaking out to dance." He winked and left, I grunted and plopped back on my bed.

I didn't realize it but I fell asleep,

"Dude you wake her up"

"No, she's grumpy when she wakes up"

"So you think I want to wake it?"

"Dude just tap her she's a light sleeper... I think."

"Shut it... I'm already up." I said raising from my bed and rubbing my eyes. "What do you want." I squinted my eyes to see Karl and Caleb standing on the side of my bed, I reached my arms out for one of them to carry me. It was Kaleb who did it.

"Well we heard your grounded and boss said you can't leave his sight so you're going to work with him." I wrapped my arms around his neck, my legs around his waist and my head on his shoulder. I let out a little groan and then lifted my head and gave him a pout and puppy dog eyes. "Don't do that to me sweetheart it's his ruled." 

He placed me on the bathroom counter I still didn't let go of him, "I don't want to go!" I whined.

"Well you have to, come one take your shower. I'll be outside with Caleb." I released and he kissed my temple and left. I let out a sigh, it was a warm shower, I washed my hair and did my normal face routine. I didn't know what type of job he had but I always need to look cute I've been lacking on my clothes. 

I walk out Karl and Caleb haven't noticed me yet, "No

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I walk out Karl and Caleb haven't noticed me yet, "No." I turned to see Jacob with his arms crossed. I gave him a confused look "No... go change." 

"Bug off Jay! You didn't see me say anything when you did it with my bestfriend now did you!" His cheeks got red and he looked away from me. 

"He won't like it."

"I don't care what he likes!" Then I felt an arm snake around my shoulders, I looked over to see Caleb.

"Come on Jay! She looks smokin'!" He kissed my cheek and I blushed, I rolled my eyes to try and cover it "Awww look her cheeks are red!!" I covered my cheeks and walked away.

"No!" I heard them all laugh, I was passing by his office when I say a pretty redhead walk out. She started to fix her clothing, she pulled out a small mirror and wiped of some smudged lip stick. I was frozen, she is so gorgeous, she has amazing curves and hair and eyes. I was so jealous, but why'd she leave his office. My question was soon answered, he stepped out and made out with her right in front of me. My eyes popped out of it's socket, I quickly turned around to only bump into Karl's chest. 

He stroked my hair and kissed my head, "Show him you don't care." He whispered and I did just that. I pulled his face to me and stopped when our lips were inches away, I looked in his eyes. I then smashed my lips onto his. We just started to make out, it was nice. "Get a room!!" Jacob said, I released and just looked into Karl's eyes who had a smirk on his face. I brushed my thumb on his bottom lip. "That could work..." 

I turned around to see the redhead all snuggled up in his arm and he just seemed upset.... sad almost. Karl wrapped his arm around my waist as I twirled my hair. "Ok let's go." We followed Levi to a car, I sat in-between Karl and Caleb. There was a lot of tension in the car but I chose to ignore it and talk to Caleb and Karl.

"Soooo road trip!"

"No sweetheart not a road trip.

"Then what is it?"

"A work trip.." Caleb interrupted 

"Can we have some music?" I leaned over in-between Jacob and Levi , I reached over to the radio but Jacob smacked my hand.

"Don't touch it unless you have permission."

"From whom?" He nodded his head towards Levi, I didn't look at him thought. I shrugged and reached for it again.

"Did you not hear a word I just said?"

"Yes... I chose to ignore it!" Jacob pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a sigh

"Just ask."


"Then no radio."

"Fine by me." I leaned back and pulled out my phone and started to play music, Caleb was vibing with me and Karl was just laughing at us. I felt Levi staring at me but I ignored it Jacob's eye's were focused on the road. This is going to be a fun trip :)

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