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I woke up to the bright sun shining in my face, ah I like Saturday's. I skipped downstairs not knowing what time it was, I started to bake. Bake made me forget things and put my mind at ease, so did training but baking is safer. 

I was in the kitchen for hours, people have passed by and tried to talk to me but I was too into my baking. I baked, cakes, cookies, pastries, cupcakes, pies anything you can think of. I got tired and just sat there looking at everything I made. I know there are people in this house that don't talk to me or that I've never met. I smiled and packed all the baked good I pulled out a trolley that I found and first went to the yard. 

"Hello fello guard!" Silent "I know you're not supposed to talk to me but... I baked a lot of things because I was stressed so take what you want! I won't tell I promise." The guard has a smirk on his face and took some brownies. "Good day sir!" I said walking away, some guards were in their rooms, some were in the left side of the house. They were surprised to see me, they were quite nice and even left a tip. 

I already served the guards, I know there are people that work for him. I went up to his floor pulling gup the trolley, I heard voices down the hall. Once I was at the top of the stairs I saw a group of boys and Maxwell.

"Hello!" I said making myself noticeable "I'm giving away some baked goods because I over cooked! I already gave some to the guards, so take what you please." 

"Do we have to pay?" One asked

"No of course not!" The nodded and picked up some Tupperware. I noticed Maxwell didn't move, he was staring at his feet. "Maxwell?" He looked up "You're aloud to have some, I don't hate you ya know." He smiled and grabbed some cookies. There were still some food left, I sighed realizing I didn't give any to the guys.

"Where's the guys?" I asked

"In the office!" Maxwell answered walking back to the group, I sighed and knocked on the door. 

"Come in." I opened the door and pulled the trolley in.

"I baked food!" They boys gave me a smile, I then realized Cassie was sitting on Levi's lap. Oh shit... I broke his nose. They took some baked food while giving me a kiss on the cheek. I saw Cassie come up to my cart I slapped her hand away, there was one box left and it said my name on it meaning it is mine. 


"It's my box... see it says my name." She rolled her eyes and walked away pouting like a child as she sat on Levi's lap.

"If she wants it she gets it. My baby get's whatever she wants." Levi said my eyes widened as her face lit up.

"Fuck no! It's my cooking! It says my name! She's fucking spoiled! She's not getting my box!" Levi stood up with Cassie behind him, he leaned in.

"I said what I said, you're under my roof, my rules! I'm in charge of you, do you understand! She is my fiancé, so when she wants something she gets it!" He took the box and gave it to her, I was shaking as my eyes teared up, he reminded me of my dad. I walked away without a second look, I ran to my room and packed my bags.

Tears were streaming down my face as I sobbed... fiancé.

I texted Mary to pick me up, I looked at my room for the last time and left. I was walking out in the garden to the gates.

"Ms. Amelia!" I turned, to see the first guard I talked to. "Uh... I figured you didn't get any since you were giving them out." He gave me a shy smile as he handed me a box, I opened it to see some of the cookies and brownies I made with some pie. "It wasn't just me, it was all the guards. It's been awhile since someone has thought about us, so this is our thanks. It's not much but you know."

"Thank you..."


"Thank you Elijah, I'm leaving now. I wish I could stay longer but I don't want to be in a place where I'm not wanted." He nodded as I walked off, I saw Mary's car and hopped it. Mary didn't bother to ask me what happened because she knew I was going to tell her when the time was right. 

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