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(Chapter 54)The freedom of flying

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(Chapter 54)
The freedom of flying

Author POV

Jimin stretched out his wings as he woke up, it was 6am and it honestly felt to early to be getting out of bed. But he had tossed and turned for hours not able to sleep, even though his body felt the need, his mind was the opposite. Keeping him awake with thoughts and questions, he couldn't possibly fall back asleep now.

He also pinned it on excitement, the doctor had cleared him to begin flying again. His back had made a recover, it still wasn't 100% healed but it was recommended that he start taking up small amounts of flying to build the strength back up in his back and wings. He was allowed to fly for 30 minutes tops, but it was far better than he had been allowed over the past few months, which was nothing.

Jimin shook out his wings and crept along the wooden flooring, he intended to go to the park, he knew they had a flight area for parents to help teach their children to fly. He could take off in the designated area and fly around for 20 minutes or so and be back before breakfast.

As he milled about in the bathroom, applying the wing dye he felt it clumping into his wings, but the change was necessary. Once he was sure that he dye had full coverage he hid the bottles away in the safe storage space. Taking the pills and applying the scent suppressants he was good to go.

He was about to go to the front door to leave when he remembered that Kintun was still after him. He turned back inside, he should wake up another one of the members for safety. It was now 7 am, as the wing dyeing process had taken longer than anticipated.

He eyed up the bedrooms debating who to pick, he settled on Namjoon, the Flock Alpha had the biggest wing span so could catch him if something did happen. Plus he had scared off Kintun before and he would be able to do it again Jimin was sure of that.

He crept into the 94 liners bedroom, Hoseok was thrown all over the bed, surrounding him was to be described as a blanket explosion. Jimin resisted the urge to laugh at his hyung.

He turned to Namhoon who was more dignified in the way he slept, Jimin gently poked Namjoon in the back.

"Namjoon-hyung" he whispered almost directly into the Alpha's ear.

Namjoon startled, dark eyes snapping open, briefly flashing red.

"Jiminie?" His voice was raspy, like he needed a drink.

"Will you come flying with me? I want to go flying but I don't want to go alone because of Kintun." Jimin asked.

"Flying?" Namjoon inquired. "What time is it?" He asked a moment later.

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