(Chapter 79)Ours

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(Chapter 79)

Author POV

After Jimin had disappeared all chaos was let loose. What exactly could you expect with 6 rutting Alpha's in one small apartment.

With their senses heightened and their urge to protect and provide and fight for their mate being on the forefront of their minds. Subconsciously they acknowledged that the other Alphas in the room were Flock. But they had no mediator, had no mate to calm them all down.

So as a result alot of spats had occurred. Sometimes over the simplest things, like who had taken more food than the rest of them. But the biggest problem they had come across was who Jimin's side of the bedroom belonged to currently.

Taehyung and Yoongi were defending the space. They knew it was their room and they wanted the others to stay away. They had almost formed an alliance of sorts. They still fought as well but significantly less that they did with the others.

What they had unanimously decided on was that they could all have some of Jimin's clothing. So as a result his wardrobe had been ransacked, so now his clothing was everywhere. The Alpha's were disappointed and confused as to why they couldn't smell Jimin's scent on the items. It was too much for their rut addled minds to comprehend.

It had led to them wrapping the soft blankets and hoodies around themselves. Yoongi being the closest in height to Jimin could actually wear the clothing if he squeezed his wings in properly, though it hurt to do so. But when he got it on, there was a sense of deep seated satisfaction.

The others couldn't do the same as Yoongi since they were taller and had wider wing spans than Jimin. So the blankets had to do.

But among this they were anxious and angry. Their mate had seen them and run from them when they were in rut. This hand led to their hinder brains coming up with the possibility that Jimin no longer wanted them anymore.

So as result that had led them to fight one another on the second day of rut they had taken to attacking eachother out of the blue. The worse one had to be when Jungkook lashed out at Yoongi for 'stealing too much of the blanket'. He had launched a hand at the elder Alpha's mismatched wings.

Once he had grabbed a handful of feathers he yanked hard. The metallic silvery wings were pulled out till he had a hand holding 4 feathers. Yoongi howled out in pain. Turning he swiped out a hand to knock the attacking Alpha away from him.

Jungkook had dodged and gotten to his feet prepared for an attack. Yoongi took that offer. Standing he launched  himself at the younger Alpha. Jungkook in his head saw himself as the younger stronger Alpha and that he could easily beat the Alpha before him.

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