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(Chapter 2)Flock Alpha

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(Chapter 2)
Flock Alpha

Author POV

Jimin stared at the Alpha in pure awe. The man was tall, his eyes showed stern intellect. But what really made him almost drop his jaw was the Alpha's wings. They were the colour of green seafoam, tips and bow speckled with white like he wore the oceans colours upon his wings. His hair was dyed a light brown colour, he too wore a white shirt but it had been unbuttoned at the top leaving Jimin to look at the top of the man's collar bones. He was wearing black skinny jeans that looked new enough to be formal but had the luxury of being comfortable. He had boots on, much like timberlands but in a dark colouring.

"Kim Namjoon" he said in a deep voice. He was nothing short of pleasant in his tone.

"Park Jimin" he responded when he could get his tongue around his teeth and not stare at the man developing a huge internal superfan crush. Yikes the fans were gonna die due to this man's beauty.

Jimin sat down as did Namjoon.

Then the interview began. It began with simple things like why he wanted to sing, had he got any background in dancing or performing. His school grades. Jimin answered them as honestly as he could. He was growing less and less worried due to the growing smile on Namjoon's face, he hoped the smile ment that he was winning him over.

"Jimin do you have a lover" came the next question. " as due to the companies policy the act of dating or courting is prohibited as it is a distraction from the art of performing" Khyung asked.

"I am not persuing nor courting anyone. I do not seek a romantic relationship, I have always had a passion for entertainment and performing. I only ever intend to persue a romantic relationship later in life when I grow to old to perform." This put a smile on Khyung's face.

"We understand this can be pressuring on young people so we do allow the development of a flock bond among groups, platonically of course. But we discover it eases the mind and helps reduce stress especially around the time of rut for Alpha's." Khyung continued.

Namjoon flushed slightly at the mention of ruts. Jimin automatically sent a smile towards him, hoping it was comforting enough. It was as the redness of Namjoon's cheeks diminished, leaving his cheeks a tan colour. He knew when he became an idol that they would be required to become paler, wearing lighter make up but to Jimin he thought the Alpha looked best with his natural colouring. His tanned skin contrasting in perfect harmony with his brown dyed hair and he really wanted to applaud the stylists as they had nailed the appearance of Namjoon, he would definitely be an Alpha heartthrob on stage.

"We thank you for your time Jimin. We will contact you by the end of the week if you are successful. If you are then you will live with the flock for 2 weeks and if you fit in and the dynamic works well you will be debuting with them." Khyung said.

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