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(Chapter 104)Spoken from the heart

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(Chapter 104)
Spoken from the heart


Author POV

Jimin's breath was the only indication of his nervousness, he had worn scent blockers as customary to a court. The presence of scents could lull someone or coerce them into something they didn't want. It was usually from Alphas who believed they were superior and knew Omegas were more susceptible to instructions if they couldn't think properly due to an excess of pheromones. 

He had gone a pasty colour when he had cast his eyes around and onto the smirking Kintun Lee. The Alpha was quietly confident, he would probably come out the best in the scenario. Jimin could only hope that what his mother had dug up on him was enough to ruin his career just as he had done to many in the idol industry. 

A portly man approached the judges chair, the grey wig askew on his head. An old patriarchal Alpha, Jimin sank in his chair. 

"I am Judge Alvard Botechi. I begin the case of Jimin Park" he banged his gavel and the court case began.

The room silenced to a hush, everyone taking their seats and eventually the room fell into a tense silence. Jimin found himself nervously fiddling with his hands, he had worn one of his rings needing something to occupy himself and focus on to prevent his body from shaking due to nerves.

"It has been brought to the courts attention that one Park Jimin has lied about his secondary gender breaching law 251 of the Korean law. He has taken a job above his station and proceeded to lie to Bighit Entertainment of his true nature" the Judge spoke.

There was a series of gasps around the room, it was like they had never read the news. If they did this would be old news.

"Furthermore he has disobeyed the law that all Omega's must wear collars outside the home, a law we as a nation put into place to protect Omega's from unwanted mating marks" the Judge continued.

The jury, all Alphas and Betas nodded in agreement. No Omega was allowed to sit in the jury, it was once again out of their status boundaries.

"Would the defendant like to make their statement?" The Judge looked to Jimin and his lawyer.

Aisling Bunting was a stern woman, she reminded Jimin so much of his mother. They had been friends and rivals in their time when they both worked at court. Though Aisling had stayed in the position.

She was a foreigner Carmine had met on her travels, when she had gone to law school in America. They had become best friends quickly and later rivals in court.

"Thank you your honor" Aisling spoke firmly, but respectfully.

She stood with a grace, Jimin saw in his mother, and walked to the podium to say her piece.

"While it may be true that Jimin disguised his Omegan status it would not be necessary if the law allowed him to work for a wage that would allow him to live without needing support of those around him." Aisling paused, allowing her statement to fill the room, giving everyone a moment to thing, absorb the words.

She then proceeded to speak in the tounge of lawyers, Kintun Lee's lawyer parried words with her, a invisible fencing match with words. Each looking for an opening to strike, but neither letting down their guard.

Jimin knew Aisling and Carmine had worked together to build a strong case in his defence.

"Thank you for your words, I would like to invite the prosecution's candidate to the stand" The Judge gestured to the podium.

Kintun allowed a small smug smile to come to his face as he took his stance behind the podium.

"You were the one to bring to light the knowledge of Park Jimin's true status, is that correct?" The Judge asked.

"Yes that is true your honor" Kintun said and Jimin could hear the smugness in his voice from his seat.

"An may I ask how did you come about this knowledge?" The Judge asked.

"I was there the day Jimin got caught in the dorm fire. His scent was present and it was clear to tell he was an Omega" Kintun spoke, while it could be the truth Jimin knew it wasn't.

"That's not true" Jimin couldn't help but stand up, defending himself.

The Judge turned to look at him and unimpressed look upon his face.

"And how would you know this, you were supposedly unconscious during this time" The Judge asked, eyebrow raised.

"The picture he added to the article he wrote your honor. It was of me in the hospital room I was admitted to after my surgery. No one had access to that room aside from medical staff, my family and my mates" Jimin responded, eyes focused entirely upon Kintun.

The Alpha looked angry, Jimin liked that he had managed to get that reaction from the smug Alpha.

One of the staff members beside the Judge confirmed Jimin's statement. The Judge nodded his head in acknowledgement.

"Thank you, you may be seated Park Jimin, the prosecutor may continue his statement" Jimin took a seat as instructed, he felt slightly better about his situation now that he had managed to get one up on Kintun.

Kintun began his ramble about he honor and about being a citizen who just wanted to uphold the law of the country, it sounded very fabricated and Jimin could tell the jury thought the same, there wasn't a single one who seemed to be convince of the Alpha's words.

"Thank you for your statement, you may be seated, I now call forward Park Jimin to the stand for his statement" the Judge called upon the nerves Omega.

His wings jittered slightly as he walked up to the stand, the Omegan pastel blue standing out amongst the vibrant colours of the Alphas and the dull colours of the Betas occupying the room.

He felt along, but a glimpse of his father's yellow wings gave him the confidence boost he needed, taking his place at the podium.

Eyes upon the Judge ready to make his case.


I've just realised as I am writing his chapter that the entire court arc of the story can't be over in 3 chapters, so it is probably going to get at least another 2-4 chapters after this one.

Hope that is ok?

Do you like Aisling, she will appear in later chapters, she will also appear in a secret bonus chapter at the end of the book.

I hope you liked the chapter




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