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(Chapter 106)The price of freedom

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(Chapter 106)
The price of freedom

Author POV

Jimin sat encased in a dome of his parent's wings, they had refused to allow anyone closer aside from his mates and Aisling.

"What do you think will happen?" Jimin looked up to Aisling, through the emerald green feathers of his mother's wings.

"I am unsure. I think your speech swayed many people, but the judge is old, he is the unknown factor in this. I know you have support from many people, but that doesn't matter when they remain outside of the court room" Aisling concluded.

"Whatever happens we will stand by your side" Yoongi reached out a hand to place it upon his shoulder.

"Thank you" he looked up from his chair to his Alphas who had subconsciously come to stand in a protective circle around him.

Taehyung had reached out underneath the pile of feathers to interlock his fingers with Jimin's own. It was reassuring being able to focus on that one small thing and tune out everything around you.

"Try to eat something, it won't feel good but your stomach will thank you later. It is not good to strain your health no matter how anxious you feel" Jemian passed him a homemade bun that he had cut open and slathered some homemade jam on. It had always been a comfort food for Jimin.

He smiled at his Dad as he quietly nibbled at the bun, it didn't feel good in his stomach but it tasted nice which Jimin found he appreciated.

He let the noise of those talking around him fade into the background, he focused on the calming scent surrounding him. If he focused enough he could pin point where each scent was emanating from.

It took about 45 for the court to come to their decision that would either support Jimin or toss him aside as they had done to every Omega in the past.


"The court has been readjorned" the Judge banged down the gavel.

The room was silent enough to hear a pin drop, it was the most nerve racking feeling, Jimin was practically shaking in his seat.

"Kintun Lee it has been found that you have illegally broke an entered into many private sites including a hospital, several hotel rooms and some company buildings. You have also been found to have forced yourself upon others to the point where they have to defend themselves" the Judge stated.

Jimin could see Kintun along further with each confirmed allegation against him.

"None of that is tr-" he was cut off before he craft another lie.

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