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(Chapter 32)Sick?

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(Chapter 32)

Author POV

There was a illness going around Bighit Entertainment, lots of idols were getting ill. It seemed that the illness only affected Alphas. Jimin and several other Beta's were unaffected.

So now Jimin was rushing around after 6 sick Alphas. All in stubborn states of refusing that they were ill, Jimin had no idea who they were trying to impress, it certainly didn't impress him, it more so exasperated him. Damn an Alpha's pride.

He sighed when he heard a muffled sneeze. For 'not being ill' they had managed to go through 16 packets of tissues in under 2 days.

Jimin ruffled his wings in annoyance, right that was it. He stormed into the living room, only to see Namjoon putting on his shoes intending to leave the house to go to his studio. His nose red and running, he clutched a tissue in one hand as he attempted to tie his shoe laces with steadily shaking hands.

"Namjoon-hyung, get back to bed, your too sick to go out" he grabbed Namjoon's upper arm in a tight grip urging him to stand up. He sighed when Namjoon stood up, shuffling abit due to dizziness, eyes glazed over.

He gently pulled Namjoon across the living room to his bedroom. He urged him to sit down in the dimly lit room, Hoseok had already gone to bed and had in the process of sleeping kicked his blankets off, the result was him gently shivering due to the cool November air.

Namjoon looked up at Jimin as he gently pulled off the coat Namjoon had donned. Careful not to catch his irritated wings. Namjoon was grasping gently at Jimin's wrist, Jimin grabbed the desperate hand, running a circle with his own wrist around Namjoon's, scenting him, if only he had a scent that was present. But it didn't seem to bother Namjoon as he gave a dopey smile, directed a Jimin.

As Jimin knelt to pull of Namjoon's shoes, he felt Namjoon lean down to press a kiss to Jimin's forehead. Jimin jolted in shock but quickly resumed his task. He stood up after pushing the shoes under the bed.

He gently pushed Namjoon to lie down on the bed, Namjoon allowed it quickly rearranging himself as not to trap his wings at an uncomfortable angle. He grabbed out at Jimin alittle helplessly, he was like a child.

"Jimin, stay please" Namjoon's voice was raspy and hoarse. He looked at Jimin with wide pitiful eyes.

"Just let me get some medicine to help with your head" Jimin pulled away and went to the kitchen to grab a cup of water and the painkillers. He slowly walked back to the room, he didn't want to spill the water.

Namjoon's eyes lit up as he walked in, he grumbled in annoyance when Jimin refused to be pulled into a hug instead he stuffed the water and painkiller into Namjoon's grabbing hands.

"Take 2" he instructed. As he rounded Namjoon's bed and gently pulled up Hoseok's quilts from the floor and covered him slowly as he did not want to wake him up.

Hoseok let out a kitten like sneeze and then burrowed down like he was attempting to hibernate much like hedgehog would. It was endearing to see the bubbly Alpha act so openly cute. But it in a way saddened Jimin, he didn't like seeing the loud character of Hoseok dimmed and quietened by the influence of an illness.

He then walked over to see Namjoon, the elder brandished the items like a child eager to impress their parent. Then he reached out with open arms, Jimin sighed. He didn't feel like having a nap but if it was the best way to stop Namjoon from leaving to go to his studio then so be it. He would sacrifice his time without hesitation to ensure that his group got better again.

Jimin climbed into the bed and allowed Namjoon to arrange himself so that he was practically lying on top of the younger. Face buried into his neck, arm around his waist and wings dropped so they draped over them like an extra blanket, Jimin could already envision himself getting to hot.

But hearing Namjoon's breath even out as he fell into the dream world he shifted slightly under the weight of the Alpha, he wasn't the lightest and was crushing his wings, but never the less he began to run his fingers through the Alpha's slightly damp hair.

He promptly closed his eyes. Maybe he was tireder than he thought. He drifted off barely 5 minutes later.


When Jimin awoke it definitely wasn't in the place he expected. He no longer had the weight of Namjoon on top of him, he had been jostled about he briefly remembered but nothing more.

Hoseok had him wrapped in a vice like grip, pressing his head firmly against Jimin's chest, sunset orange wings caught at a mostly likely uncomfortable position. As he had wrapped them under Jimin and around Jimin's midnight blue wings, having Jimin lying on top of them and then his own weight perched on top of the Beta.

Jimin heard the front door slam, Namjoon having obviously left, Jimin let out a frustrated groan. Why couldn't they just stay home, get better and go back to work with fresh minds.

He struggled under Hoseok's weight.

"Where you trying to go?" Hoseok slurred out, voice thick with sleep.

"I need to get a drink, I'm too hot" Jimin admitted. Hoseok allowed him to get up, standing on his own feet for barely a minute before Hoseok stood up behind him wrapping his arms around Jimin's waist.

"Let's go" and with that Jimin was forced to practically waddle with Hoseok taking small steps behind him as not to stand on the backs of Jimin's feet and trip him up.

Jimin reached the kitchen, grabbing a glass.

"Do you want one?" He asked turning to try and gauge Hoseok's reaction. Hoseok shook his head, chin rustling against the t-shirt Jimin had on.

Jimin let the water run till it was cold, chugging the whole thing down. Refilling it.

"Where would you like to go?" Jimin questioned.

"Living room, you can watch TV" Hoseok said.

Once Jimin took his seat, he let Hoseok lie down, head in his lap, turning in so his face was pressed against Jimin's lower stomach.

Jimin turned on the TV, as quiet as he could but with him still able to hear what the people were saying.

He felt the rumbling grumble that Hoseok let out. Signalling his Alpha was at his most content, Jimin smiled and allowed himself to relax.


I felt like it was too early for the Christmas chapters yet. So I ended up brain storming and came up with the idea of Jimin taking care of sick Alphas.

So the next 2 chapters will focus on the other 4 and how they are being coddled by Jimin who just wants them to stay at home and get well.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter sorry for not updating in almost a week, I was trying to think of ideas.



Stay safe ✔✔✔


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