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(Chapter 99)Home

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(Chapter 99)

Author POV

Jimin is cleared to go home that morning. It is a weak before the trial and he wanted to go home. Since he had progessed enough to be able to walk without risk of his legs giving out from beneath him.

His wings still need to be wrapped carefully and they were going to have someone come over each morning and evening. Until Namjoon interfered and asked if they would teach him instead. They accepted, it would be easier not sending someone out repeatedly. Plus Namjoon was a capable person.

Jimin leant into Taehyung's side. His wings brushing carefully against the ash grey wings of the Alpha. Taehyung has his hand looped under the Omega's wings so he can rest his hand on his hip. Supporting his weight.

"First time I've been with you all together in a while" Jimin muttered to Taehyung.

"They can't wait to see you. They should be at home right now, if they have finished practice that is." Taehyung whispered back.

Both not wanting to disrupt Namjoon and the nurse giving him information that he was currently typing into his phone. Taehyung would have to tell Jin to get the information from Namjoon, just incase he lost his phone, again.

Getting to the car was easy. Though Jimin could walk perfectly fine he leant into Taehyung's warm side the whole way. Taehyung let out a rumbling grumble to show his happiness at this. Jimin was close to purring in response as they got into the back of the car.

Jimin initially winced in pain as they tried to find a position to get his wings into the car comfortably without injuring them or putting them at an odd angle. Eventually they found one that brought minimal pain, though Jimin's face scrunched up each time they went over a piece of uneven ground or a speed bump.

But the promise of home and safety and his Alphas kept his spirits high as he watched the world streak past his window. It all seemed so fast compared to the month he had spent in the healing facility. But he had to admit he would miss it, a little. The people had been nice at least, but it wasn't home.


They took the lift when they finally got back to the apartment. The apartment had been fixed. Since they only had to rebuilt the kitchen and back section of the living room. And replace the window the fireman had broken to get to Jimin.

They let Jimin unlock the door. Immediately the smell of flowers overwhelm him. They are strong. But it isn't unpleasant, it is almost like walking through a meadow. Jimin inhales and smiles, it is not quite the smell of home, but it is nice none the less.

"We bought flowers to try and overpower the scent of smoke. It clung to everything no matter what we did." Namjoon explained.

Jimin nodded as they headed down the narrow corridor to the living room. Immediately his face lights up. All of his Alphas are in the room, all waiting impatiently for their Omega's arrival.

Standing up quickly when they spot who it is, Jimin is brought into so many hugs he finds it hard to catch up. The scents of the Alphas mingled together so nothing it truly distinguishable from the combined scent. Jimin loves it. It feels like home.

He allows them to scent him, he repeats the gesture. Dragging his wrist against the base of the Alphas neck and shoulder to leave the scent of blueberries behind. The Alphas grumble.

"Welcome home Jiminie" Jin mutters into Jimin's hair, his dark purple wings fluttering behind him as they vibrate due to his happiness.

Jimin looks over and notices the cake on the coffee table infront of their new sofa. He new sofa is a dark blue, but Jimin barely pays it any mind. Looking to the cake.

"We baked it for you. I promise I supervised them. It should be safe to eat" Jin promises.

Jimin snickers under his breath at the offended 'heys' from the other Alpha's as they protest. Jimin wanders around sitting down on the sofa, he groans slightly at the feeling of no longer needing to support his wings.

"You ok Jiminie?" Hoseok asks when he hears the noise. Jimin nods, deciding to lie length ways along the sofa, stretching his back out as he lays on his stomach. Head resting on the armrest, so he can look up at the Alphas who are all looking down at him with unhidden affection in their eyes.

"We have one more thing for you" Namjoon says.

Jungkook holds out a box to him. It is plain.

"We all worked on it together" Yoongi adds.

They all look nervous. Shifting about, feet unable to stay still. Jimin takes it from Jungkook's outstretched hand. He lifts the latch and gasps in surprise when he sees a collar.

"We all got you one, we know. But there are 6 of us and 7 days of the week. We wanted to make you a collar together. As we are a pack" Jin explains.

"Just like I accepted you all individually. I accept you together" Jimin smiles.

The collar is a plain white. Simple but elegant. There are music notes running along it, and if Jimin has read the notes correctly, they were the first notes to 'No more dream'. The first song they performed all together. The music notes are all in different colours and Jimin notices they have tried their best to match the colours to that of the Alpha's wing colours. He spots his own pale blue and dark blue in the mix as well.

He allows them to fix it around his neck. The weight it comforting.

"Can we have cake now?" Jimin asks.

"Yeah can we Jin-hyung?" Jungkook and Taehyung eye the cake hungrily.

Jin sighs at the greedy looks on the faces of the youngest Alphas. But nods.

"But Jimin gets first pick of the pieces. It is after all his welcome back cake" Jin says.

They nod. Jimin has missed this. He lets the others have the bigger pieces. The flavour is blueberry, and Jimin falls in love all over again.


So Jimin is finally back home. The case is in a week. Would you like some fluffy chapters before then?

Anyway I hope you liked it.




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