Bonus 4

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(Bonus chapter 4)Baby acquisition 

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(Bonus chapter 4)
Baby acquisition 


Author POV

Jimin was beyond excited. He had arranged with Jaylin and Jihoon to babysit their daughter so they could take some time off and go away for a few days. It was a treat to the new parents. In his excitement he had forgotten to tell his Alphas.

So when they awoke the next morning, entirely missing the arrival and disappearance of the couple, it was to Jimin holding a baby. 

Babies, or fledglings have no scent, that is why parents periodically scent their children to create a familial bond, but since Jimin had been with the baby for a while, the scent of the parents had rubbed away under his own blueberry scent. So there was no way to tell who the child belonged to.

Needless to say they panicked. 

But they felt they couldn't say anything, as their Omega nuzzled the babies' head and clutched them lovingly to his chest. If the Alphas had thought about it they would have come to the conclusion that it was Jimin's niece in his arms. 

But their inner Alphas were throwing a party in their minds, their Omega holding a fledgling was probably one of the most attractive things to their primal minds. So these happy thoughts were clouding their abilities to think logically. 


"What do we do?" Jin hissed.

They had all congregated into Jin and Jungkook's bedroom. They still lived in their shared flat as they were still idols despite being married and mated. The Army were probably one of the most supportive fan bases so they had happy accepted them as a flock, cheering them on as they share moments of their lives.

"I don't know" Namjoon dragged his hand down his face. As Flock Alpha it was up to him, they had all decided, to sort it out.

It didn't help that they could hear Jimin singing a lullaby to the baby in the next room over. His singing voice was beautiful after all, Army only got to hear the sound of his voice paired with music, they got the raw unfiltered version. 

Their wings were twitching as they tried to thing of a solution. 

They all nodded their heads at each other, a sort of agreement coming across their faces, they shoved Namjoon out of the bedroom and closed the door behind him without a word of apology.

"Here can you hold her, I need to make a bottle for her" Jimin smiled happily.

Namjoon was before he could comprehend it, stuck with an unknown baby in his arms. The child was so small and he felt like he was far to big to be holding something so fragile and precious. The baby gurgled in his arms and stared up in fascination at the new person holding her.

The baby was absolutely doused in Jimin's blueberry scent, so it wasn't hard for the Alpha to picture the baby as his own. The baby was happy to reach out small hands for his face and colourful wings. 

Eventually the other Alphas emerged from Jin and Jungkook's bedroom. They looked to Namjoon expectantly, but blanched when they saw the Flock Alpha holding the baby, a sheepish smile on his face.

"You were supposed to talk to him" they whispered, not wanting to be caught by their Omega. 

"He just handed me the baby, what was I supposed to do?" Namjoon hissed back. 

The baby let out a happy gurgled and Jungkook winced when his feathers were tugged into the baby's firm grip. She was fascinated by the golden colour it would seem and if Jungkook was any closer she would have probably tried to put the feathers in her mouth. 

Before they could say anything more Jimin reappeared with a bottle. 

"Good morning" he greeted them, his scent was fresh and full of happiness, it almost bowled the Alphas over with how good it smelt.

Jimin took the baby from Namjoon's arms, easily manoeuvring her into his arms so he could feed her, she latched onto the bottle and was happy to suckle all while Jimin let out happy Omega coos at her. 

"Isn't she precious" Jimin smiled at his Alphas.


So the entire day was spent with Jimin cooing over the baby, watching shows and entertaining her, the Alphas panicking as they still couldn't figure out whose baby it was. But they didn't want to break their Omega's happy mood, it was rare that he was this happy, his job brought a lot of stresses. This seemed to be one of the most stress free moments he had had in weeks. 

All the Alphas got roped into helping care for the baby, whether that been playing peek-a-boo with their wings till the baby couldn't stop laughing in delight. Or dancing around with her in their arms as they listened to their old songs and reminisced. 

They fell into the roles of parents easily and it was easy to imagine a future like this. 

Jimin delighted in seeing his Alphas with the fledgling, his inner Omega felt soothed after so much suffering. He almost missed the sound of the doorbell ringing, his brother and his wife were back.

Jimin opened the door greeting them happily, the scent of the apartment was of pure happiness and contentment. The parents knew they had left their daughter Hei-Ran in good hands.

"I hope she wasn't too much trouble" Jaylin remarked.

"No trouble at all" Jimin lead them into the living area where Taehyung was spinning around and dancing with Hei-Ran securely in his arms, the little fledgling was practically hiccupping from laughter. Jaylin's eyes softened when she saw her daughter, her inner Omega soothed.

"It is time for Hei-Ran to go home" Jimin spoke out to the Alphas.

They all turned to see Jihoon and Jaylin and it was like the final puzzle piece fit into the jigsaw puzzle. But to be fair they had only met the little girl twice, after her birth and at their own wedding. 

They seemed reluctant to hand over the baby, but did so anyway. Their inner Alphas frowning when the baby became scented once again, Jimin's blueberry scent replaced by Jaylin's peachy scent. 

It was after the parents had left that Jimin caught the Alphas entirely off guard.

"I want a baby" 


It wouldn't be a Wings finale without a chaotic fluffy chapter.

So this was the official final chapter of Wings.

Thank you all for joining me on this over 2 year adventure. It only took us 121 chapters to get here.

There is a potential for a sequel, it would start at Jimin's final statement in this chapter.

Though it is a big if and I would have to finish some of my current books before I even consider it.

So for the last time.




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