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(Chapter 93)The scent of night jasmine with a hint of blueberries

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(Chapter 93)
The scent of night jasmine with a hint of blueberries

Author POV

Jin held the collar within his hands. They had agreed, as the eldest member of the Flock he was to be the first to gift the bonding collar of them. Then it would descend within age order as per tradition.

The collar was smooth and velvety to the touch, he had made sure to choose the softest of materials as it would be an almost permanent accessory around Jimin's neck, he wanted it to be soft and comfortable. Not a burden to wear.

It was a deep purple in colour, the colour of his wings, that was per tradition too. To incorporate the colours of the gifters wings into the collar design to symbolise you gifting a piece of yourself. A colour you would carrying for the entirety of your life.

He has sown a design into the side, the flowers night jasmine, his scent. Jimin had asked him what a night jasmine was and when he had saw them he had told him that he found them to be a beautiful flower. So he had incorporated it into the colour in hopes the Omega would like it.

Of course over the course of their life Jimin would gain many collars both hand made and manufactured. But the first bonding collar was always symbolic and precious.

He stood outside the hospital door to Jimin's room, the others had agreed to remain at home for the day so Jin could gift his final courting gift in peace and alone.

He let out a shaky breath, before nodding and entering the room. Jimin sat in the nest that had gotten messier as the days had passed. But Jimin had made no move to amend it.

Jin watched the Omega's eyes light up when he saw his eldest hyung.

"Jinnie-hyung, I've missed you" Jimin declared happily. Putting down the book he had been reading onto the bedside cabinet, Jin recognised it as one from Namjoon's collection.

"I've only been missing for a day Jiminie" Jin smiled at the Omega.

"Still it feels like so long. The staff can't talk for long they have to see to the other patients too. So I am alone, I am so used to all of you being around me, the silence is weird" Jimin told him.

Jin nodded he could understand that. The dorm was usually loud, mostly because of Taehyung and Jungkook playing their video games in the main living space, shouting at eachother despite only sitting a few feet away from eachother.

"Are the others not coming today?" Jimin asked.

He was used to them all coming at the same time, none of them wishing to miss the opportunity see their Flock mate.

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