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(Chapter 109)Loneliness

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(Chapter 109)

Author POV

Jimin wasn't quite sure what to expect when he arrived at the Omega correction centre. A cell, a sparce room, harsh treatment? It was all within the unknown.

The first thing he was issued was a band that automatically locked around his wrist, it tracked his health and made sure they were able to track him down should he try to escape.

"You're room is 4247, lights out are at 9pm, any breaking of this conduct will result in punishment." Were the matron's words before she locked the door behind her.

The room was sparce and his limited items were piled on the bed. They had sent him a checklist before he came, listing the items he could bring and warned that if he tried to break the rules they would be destroyed or confiscated.

The room was a little cold, but Jimin couldn't tell if that was because of the temperature or the lack of comfort offered from the block white room. There was a fairly large window, though the outside had bars across it, incase of escape.

Despite his wings, he didn't think he could manuver himself to escape from the 4th floor with healing wings.

So he set about bringing the room some comfort. He took the scent patch off his wrist, running his wrist along the wall to release his scent.  When that was done he felt a little more at ease. Hand subconsciously reaching up to the collar around his neck, wanting to feel the comfort of his mates.

He opens the bags, when a knock resounded on the door. Soon a Beta woman was entering. Jimin turned to look at her, it was a look of distrust.

"I have your learning schedule" she offered out a piece of paper.

The letter he had received with the list of what he could bring mentioned the classes. They were targeted at the Omega's "flaws".

Jimin took it, thanking her.

"Further information is in the packet in the top draw of your desk, it is expected that you read it before your lessons commence." She instructed.

Before she left promptly, he heard the sound of the one way door lock shutting. He couldn't lock or unlock it from the inside like a prison cell just with a nicer room.

He placed the class list down on the writing desk in the room. There was very little furniture in the room and it was years old if the condition said anything. There was a bed, single not enough to make a nest on, a chest of draws, a writing desk and wobbly chair. The was a small bathroom to the side, though it was only a toilet and sink.

Jimin opened his bags and unpacked his belongings, he kept the teddy bear containing the scent of his mates in the bag before slipping it under the bed. He didn't want it confiscated, though he wouldn't put it past them to do so.

He sat down on the sterlie sheets on the bed, taking the list of classes he had discarded to look over them. He could feel the anger swell in his chest, all the classes were so demeaning.

Some of them he could accept, like the cooking and crafting classes. Those would be useful, but the 'obeying your Alpha class' was out of the question.

He went to open the top draw where the information pamphlets were according to the Beta woman.

There were 5 of them, for the 5 classes. The reasoning behind them, Jimin skimmed them, taking in the inequality.

The 4 classes being, cooking, crafting, obeying your Alpha, caring for the home and finally childcare.

Jimin had no interest in being a parent anytime soon, his Alphas and him had an agreement for the household chores. He couldn't cook, crafting might be interesting. The last class he held no interest for, something told him that he would hate that class with a burning passion.

The class tomorrow was cooking, it lasted the entire morning.

"Jimin Park, you are here to be collected to attend lunch" a voice called out from the other side of the door.

He syked himself up, though he was sure his wings were giving him away entirely. He ran his hand through his pink tinted hair, they had done months ago and the colour was yet to have grown out yet. So the longer pieces still had pink tips.

He groaned when he had to lift his wings once again, he had enjoyed allowing them to rest on the bed for a while. The injuries may almost be healed, but there was a lack of muscles in his back to keep them up, having deteriorated in his healing time.

He trudged to the door and knocked his assent. It was swiftly unlocked and opened, he winced a little at the sterile smell of bleach in the corridor.

"Follow me" the Beta woman from before commanded him. She had sparrow coloured wings, her scent was cut off with scent blockers. Is this what it had been like to others when he pretended to be a Beta, a lack of connection.

Scents and wings playing a bit part of reading and understanding one another, the lack of connection and understanding was unsettling. He felt a knawing sense of guilt for that, he would apologise to his mates and all the people he affected when he returned to them.

"You have 45 minutes to eat, stand in the queue and find a seat when you collect your food" She opened the door to what Jimin presumed was the eating area.

The room felt more alive than any part of the facility he had been in so far. It was bustling, he could see conversations being held but they were done so quietly, they had probably been taught to be quiet. But it felt better being in a room like this.

He followed the Beta woman's order, going to collect his food, it was surprisingly nutritious.

When he turned the room felt too big,  too many people. He looked around, he wanted someone to reach out to him, he didn't want to be alone.

But that was just it, he was alone.


So how are we feeling?

I hope you liked the chapter.

So this book turned 2 years old a couple of days ago (22nd March) I would like to thank you all so much for all the support over these 2 years. Especially not 421K reads and 32.6K votes.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. But then again it is me, so I'll thank you with an angsty chapter.... hope you enjoy it anyway.




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