Bonus 3

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(Bonus chapter 3)A wedding

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(Bonus chapter 3)
A wedding


Author POV

Jimin could practically be having a breakdown, he felt panicked enough for one. Today was his wedding, and he could throw up, out of nervousness. There was no doubt in his mind he wanted to marry his mates and Alphas but the act still made him nervous. His icy blue wings had not stopped vibrating since the moment he woke up.

The wedding would bond them together for life with the mating bite against the neck and shoulders, Jimin was going to be receiving 6 marks and he was terrified. He had seen his mother and father's mating bonds before, the bite was an injection of venom of sorts. The incisors released the liquid which would form a pattern of sorts in the scent gland, it did not leave a scar. But instead it changed his scent, made him smell unattractive to other Alphas should they try to claim him.

Jimin was currently in the grooms room, he was currently locked in the bathroom. He was supposed to be changing into his suit for the wedding, but he was currently panicking about said wedding. 

Eventually with a quick pep talk to himself, keeping intense eye contact with himself in the mirror. He felt ready, well a little more stable at least. He opened the door and entered back into the room he was getting ready in. His wings were jittering nervously.

"You look wonderful" Jemian was the first to approach his fledgling. Gushing happily over his son, tears building in his eyes.

"Thank you Dad" Jimin allowed himself to be pulled into a hug.

He met his mother's eyes, she gave him a smile and a dip of her head in approval, Jimin felt his heart soar. The moment he was released from Jemian's arms, he crashed into Carmine's, she was more than willing to pull her youngest fledgling into a comforting embrace.

It was another 30 minutes of makeup and hair till he was deemed ready for his own wedding. He wondered how his Alphas were doing. Were they as nervous as he was, his own wings shook in anticipation, batting into his parent's arms and legs as they were standing in close enough proximity. 


Both Carmine and Jemian were going to walk him down the isle to his future husbands. Typically it was the Head Alpha of the family who did this tradition, but Jimin had extended his hand to Jemian as well, the Omega had smiled and cried so much at the gesture. 

They walked side by side down the isle together, a wave of pastel yellow, icy blue and emerald green. 

Jimin could feel his cheeks begin to hurt from how much he was smiling. His Alphas all looked perfect. They were smiling softly at him, a smile they only permitted for their Omega. His parents dropped him off with twin kisses to his temples so they could take their seats for the ceremony.

The officiator called attention to those in the room so the ceremony could begin. Jihoon stood behind Jimin, he had been chosen as Jimin's best man. He couldn't imagine anyone else in that spot. 

He looked out to the crowd, his parents and family members were smiling at him. He could see Saylin in the crowd, she sat with her youngest son on her lap, the other two on either side of her. She was smiling at him as they met eyes, Jimin had gotten in contact with her after they both got out of the Omega camps. They had exchanged contact details with each other on Saylin's last day. Now she sat in the crowd of those he loved and considered family and friends.

Though Jimin hated the words of the vows, he said them as he knew the law wouldn't change over night. It promised his servitude to his Alpha or Alphas in this case. But he knew without a doubt the men before him would never ask or demand his eternal servitude, they would love and respect him as an equal. 

That was why he said 'I do'.

Their kisses were chaste but soft, suitable for an audience but intimate still. When the time for the mating bites to happen came, Namjoon being the Flock Alpha was to go last. But he had one of the biggest wing spans of the Alphas so he extended his seafoam wings to give a semblance of privacy, which Jimin appreciated.

Jin went first as the eldest, they had agreed to go in age order, to prevent anyone fighting on the day of the wedding, or having to play 'rock, paper, scissors' in the middle of the ceremony, although it would have been entertaining. 

Jimin flinched a little as Jin's fangs broke his scent gland, he knew 2 more were to come on the right hand side, then 3 on his left gland. It was to minimise the pain, one gland could not take 6 marks, it would be too painful. But 3 would be manageable.

Each time the scent gland was bitten Jimin felt the change. He too exchanged the bites with his Alphas, when the Alphas had seen Carmine's bite mark they were more than willing to allow Jimin to bestow them with a mating mark. Proudly displaying their Omega's claim.

He stood on wobbly legs when the final mating bite was bestowed, Namjoon had to go last, it would solidify his position as Flock Alpha. The bond felt like a rope tying them all together, each bite made the rope stronger, and Namjoon's bite tied them all together and finished the rope off. 

Before Namjoon's wing was pulled away and they were exposed to the crowd once again. He heard the words whispered to him.

'I love you'.

It was a sentiment echoed by all of his Alphas and Jimin returned the words just as gently.

He knew then and there that he was finally complete.


So I put Saylin reuniting with her children into this chapter instead of having a whole chapter dedicated to it.

So that means the next chapter is the final chapter of Wings. How we feeling?

Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter.




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