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(Chapter 3)Night Jasmine

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(Chapter 3)
Night Jasmine

Author POV

Jimin stood infront of the life sized mirror. He admired his outfit. It was a pair of black skinny jeans and a white shirt, a denim jacket thrown over the top. He rubbed at his bare neck.

He was breaking the law by not wearing his collar. Omega's have to wear a collar by law. It is black collar until they are mated.

When they have found a potential mate and they are being courted they wear a white collar.

It is ritual and tradition that and Alpha or Beta if they are to mate with an Omega that they have to create their own collar to present to the Omega. It is a lesson every child is taught at a young age.

A collar took roughly 1 month to make, it was done to show the dedication of an Alpha or Beta to show their commitment to their Omega mate.

So this was a big risk he was taking. He decided to put on a choker of sorts, black and it fit tightly around his neck like his collar did. It made him feel better. He applied scent blocker on all of his scent points. Neck, wrists and back of the ears. He also took his heat suppressants and the scent blockers pills just to be safe. The stuff he had put on his scent points were just incase so he didn't leave his scent behind on the Alpha's clothing.

He shook his wings be had never got used to that feeling of the wing dye. His wings felt suffocated, trapped in a lie he had built to achieve a dream.

He pulled a mask across his face and a beanie hat over his styled hair. Then he sighed a breathe that showed his nervousness.

He left the house after tucking his phone and keys safely into his pockets.

He walked the short way to the café. It was a simple coffee shop.

He immediately saw Namjoon the Alpha once again took away his breathe.
"Namjoon-ssi" he greeted him. He bowed and eased his wings into a relaxed position.
"Jimin-ah" the man greeted him back he didn't bow, Alphas never did. But he did not his head in acknowledgement, the Alphas version of bowing.

"Jimin allow me to introduce you to one of my flock mates" Namjoon said. "This is Jin-hyung" he says.

"My full name is Kim Seokjin. But I prefer Jin" he greeted Jimin.

Jimin just stared. The man was nothing short of ethereal. He had breathtaking facial features, his hair was evidently his natural colour it was styled in a way that framed his face in the best way and highlighted his beauty further. He had a Alpha physic, tall, with broad shoulders that held up the most beautiful indigo coloured wings. And the man's scent was nothing short of perfection, his scent was of night jasmine. A beautiful but rare plant that his mother had. He just wanted to wrap himself in the merged scents of both Namjoon and Jin, the scent of seafoam and salt and night jasmine worked surprisingly well together and it put him at ease.

"P-Park Jimin" he managed to stutter out. Damn it now he probably thinks you're a blathering, stuttering idiot.

"Are you alright?" Jin looked at him with a puzzled expression. Jimin immediately racked his mind for any valid reason why he had spaced out staring at the Alpha.

He thought rationally thought to say he was try to see if he remembered everything. But his omega mind beat him to it.

"Sorry I was stunned you are probably one of the most beautiful Alphas I have seen"

Well Sugar!

Congratulations Jimin you have just made the biggest fool of yourself.

Jin looked momentarily startled by Jimin's outburst before he laughed.

"Thank you. I have been trying to tell the flock this but the brats don't agree but I think when we debut I should have the nickname of Worldwide Handsome." Jin began.

"We I think you deserve the title" Jimin provided.

"Please don't encourage him" Namjoon said with a groan.

"Yah! Respect your hyung" Jin retaliated.

Namjoon smiled and nodded. Jimin could see how much respect Namjoon held for the apparent elder.

"Well since we are on the same side in agreeing of my handsomeness. May I just say Jimin you are the cutest Beta I have ever seen, you rather look like a Mochi." Jin complimented him.

Jimin flushed a pretty pink colour at the praise. His Omega was preening in his head, pleased that an Alpha as great as Jin was complimenting him.

"Thank you Jin-ssi." He said.

"Yah none of that. I am your hyung now" Jin said.

"Thank you Jin-hyung." Jimin gave a full mochi smile. One that poofed up his cheeks and made him look cuter.

Jin and Namjoon couldn't help but smile back at the younger.

They ordered drinks continuing to talk and Jimin learnt that he was to be the eldest of the maknaeline in the group if he debuted as he was 20 years old. As he began to relax he began to enjoy their company more and more.

He laughed and joked along with Jin and tried not to loose his lungs to the many Dad jokes that Jin provided.

Jin looked pleased, explaining that the rest of the group didn't laugh along with his Dad jokes and he was appreciative to have found Jimin someone who appreciated his handsomeness and laughed along with his Dad jokes.

Later when it was time to go. Jimin went to shake Jin and Namjoon's hand but instead was pulled into a comfortable hug. Wings were of course pulled back, people only wing hugged when extremely close. Usually between flock mates.

Namjoon and Jimin agreed to meet later in the week on Wednesday when the next flock mate was free from their schedule.

As he walked away he felt relaxed, due to his omega hearing (which is highly tuned so that he can hear danger better to allow him to flee if he is put in a threatening situation) he heard Jin tell Namjoon that he liked him and would be happy to allow Jimin to join the group.

Jimin left in the highest of spirits and when he brought his hand up to put his headphones in for the walk home, he was happy to smell the scents of both Alpha's on his jacket, bringing him further ease.

He didn't realise he kept the jacket sleeve pushed under his nose the whole walk home a great smile on his face. The scent of seafoam and salt and night jasmine comforting him.


So what did you think?

What do you think of Jin scent and wing colour?

This chapter is dedicated to
As they always seem to be one of the first to vote and comment when I release a chapter. So thank you I really appreciate it.




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