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(Chapter 31)Blanket burritos and scenting

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(Chapter 31)
Blanket burritos and scenting

Author POV

Jimin could safely say all of the groups Alpha's were being driven by their instincts. His feet never touched the floor as soon as he left the hospital room. It was Namjoon who swept him up into warm arms. Jimin had no choice but to wrap his legs around the Alpha's lithe waist, arms circling his neck.

"What did the doctor say?" Jin worried over him.

"That it wasn't too bad, I am assigned onto pain meds, I need to avoid physical activity for a couple of weeks to allow my muscles to recover. And my wrist was sprained, I can't take off the cover until it is green brush, except for showering." Jimin relayed the information to the elder.

Jin nodded taking a mental note.

"I also need to go to physiotherapy every week the doctor is setting me up with a regular person to visit the company building, I also need to rub this cream into my back every night for a month to help it relax and relieve pain" Jimin added.

"You said it wasn't bad" Jungkook growled out.

"Yeah it is starting to sound bad to me" Taehyung agreed.

Jimin refused to comment, instead pressing his face into Namjoon's shoulder, avoiding eye contact with the others.

He was carefully placed into the car and sandwiched in between too primal minded Alpha. Who were in the mindset to get him home, safe and looked after. It was a deeply instinctual mindset but Jimin found he didn't mind, it quelled his inner Omega's need to cared for in this way.

Once again when he left the car, he was carefully lifted into Jungkook's arms this time, being carried into the lift in the arms of the youngest Alpha Jimin felt slightly embarrassed. But he was glad none of the other trainees were currently here, as they were all practicing at the company building.

They got into the apartment, Jimin was carefully set onto the sofa, in a way that wouldn't jostle his back or injured wings. He did dare move, even though he desperately wanted one of his fluffy blankets from his room.

As if reading his mind Jin emerged from Jimin's shared room with the fluffiest blanket Jimin owned. Jin kind of expected him to just give him the blanket. But no, Jin went all out. He tugged off Jimin's shoes, then proceeded to wrap him up as if he were swaddling a baby. Till Jimin was wrapped up so securely that he could barely move. Only eyes peeked out of the top of the blanket and his mop of fluffy hair. He looked like a little blanket burrito.

Taehyung came and sat beside him once Jin was done. He proceeded to pull Jimin so he was lying length wise along the sofa. He then rolled him gently into his arms so he was lying on top of Taehyung's chest, head resting against the hollow of the Alpha's throat.

Taehyung subconsciously let out a low rumbling grumble, he was content to know Jimin was safe and in close contact with him. Jimin so desperately wanted to purr in response, but he was a Beta in their eyes, he could purr that was a sure give away that he was truly an Omega.

"Jimin can we scent you. I know it feels sudden, its fine if you are not comfortable with it" Namjoon inquired.

"Like wrist to wrist scenting?" Jimin asked, popping his head out of the blanket burrito he was encased in.

"Whichever your more comfortable with" Hoseok said.

"I would prefer wrist to wrist scenting" Jimin admitted, mostly because he didn't know how long his scent blocker would last on his neck. It lasted longer on his wrist, as he took the pills for that.

"Thank you" Namjoon sighed in relief.

Jimin sat up and pulled himself gently off of Taehyung's chest. He pulled the blanket burrito down so that he could pull his injured and undamaged wrists out.

Jungkook stepped forward first. He was the one probably in the worst mindset being a newly presented Alpha and this complex flurry of emotions must be mentally tiring for the youngest.

Jimin reached out his wrist, Jungkook allowed him to control the movement, he pressed their wrists together and drew 3 small circles with his own wrist. Till his wrist was doused in cookie dough pheromones.

Taehyung pulled him close, Jimin repeated the action with his self appointed soulmate. Now he smelt of cookie dough and hot chocolate topped with marshmallows. Jungkook and Taehyung's scents complimenting one another.

Each Alpha took their turn to scent the now sleepy, content Beta. He gave a dopey smile as the scents washed over him, he carefully laid down again against Taehyung's chest, arms pulling up to his face, he pressed his scent covered wrist under his nose and took a deep inhale. The scents and long day of injuries lulling him to sleep.

Hoseok pulled the blanket up his sleeping form tucking it under his chin. They pulled out the bed element of the sofa and proceeded to play rock, paper, scissor to determine who slept on it.

Yoongi won, he always did it some how when it came down to matters of sleeping. Dragging a bunch of fluffy blankets that were strewn about the living room for comfort and warmth if needed.

He took his place on the pulled out are of the sofa bed. And from there all the other Alpha's moved and shifted about till they were all somehow in contact with Jimin. A hand on his calf, around his arm.

Jimin didn't awaken he only seemed to push further into the contact and with that comforting thought the Alpha's fell asleep protecting the boy they love. Faint grumblings coming from each of them, wings vibrating at the sounds produced from their deeply ingrained primal side. They were content.

Jimin buried just that little bit further into the fluffy blanket burrito, scented wrist pressed securely under his nose. He felt happy.


So chapter 31 what do you think?

Scenting happened! That's a major step towards a strong relationship. So that happened. Two carries, by Namjoon and Jungkook.

The past 2 updates had been angsty so here have a fluffy burritoed Jimin.

I hope you liked the chapter.



Stay safe ✔✔✔


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