(Chapter 65)Happy Birthday Hobi-hyung!

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(Chapter 65)
Happy Birthday Hobi-hyung!

Author POV

Jimin fumbled with the wrapping paper and groaned when he stuck the sticky tape to the carpet covered floor. It was the day before Hoseok's birthday and Jimin was wrapping his present.

His wings brushed against the bed frame as he stood up, the gap between his and Taehyung's bed was narrow and could be uncomfortable if sat in for too long.

Jimin sighed then stretched, wings unfurling and reaching towards the roof in a full body stretch. He shook out his feathers abit, he really needed to groom his wings. Over the  duration of him using the wing dye his wings had begun to deteriorate. Feathers were getting damaged faster by the chemicals he was essentially putting on them. He resisted the urge to pull out some of the bothersome feathers.

His parents were coming to visit soon, he would wait for their arrival then have a wing grooming session with his family, where they could dispose of the dead feathers safely. A few of the other members parents were visiting soon as well if Jimin remembers correctly.

Jimin gently bent down, being wary of his back, he hadn't been to the therapy sessions in a while, having been too busy trying to get work done. And he could feel the pain coming back, especially after his dramatic fall when Namjoon had to save his life. With the present safely hidden under his bed he headed to the kitchen.

He had agreed with Jin to make a cake for Hoseok. He sluggishly dragged himself along. He was utterly exhausted from the long few weeks, he was practically asleep when he got to the kitchen.


He could hear someone bustling about, his suspicions were confirmed when he saw it was Jin.

"You ready to make the cake?" Jin asked when Jimin appeared next to his side. Jimin nodded, the purple winged Alpha smiled down at him and they got to work.

They had decided on a simple chocolate cake, Jimin had promised that Taehyung could help with the decoration of said cake. He had been extremely enthusiastic.

With the cake now in the oven and the batter all over his face from cleaning the bowl. Jimin sat on one of the stools, arms leaning on the counter and swing his legs backwards and forwards, gaze turned to look at his eldest hyung.

"Do you think he will like it?" Jimin asks as he lowers his head down onto his arms, a sleepy smile on his face.

"He will at least like the effort" Jin smiled back. "I am sure he will love it" he added afterwards giving a decisive nod.

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