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(Chapter 103)The trial begins

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(Chapter 103)
The trial begins

Author POV

Jimin was practically jittering with nerves, not even his mates had been able to calm him down. Despite all of the calm pheromones and scents they had release, anxiety had made it's home in the Omega's chest, grabbing tightly onto his thumping heart, squeezing his lungs till he felt breathless.

He stood in Jungkook's arms, the youngest Alpha's golden wings were wrapped around him, much like his arms around his waist. Face buried into his shoulder, Jimin leant back into the comforting embrace. Simply feeling the Alpha's presence, wanting to submerge himself in the scent of warm cookie dough.

None of the Alphas had the courage to say, 'it will be ok' because none of them knew what the outcome of the day would be.

A knock sounded at the door, Jin answered it, briefly letting out a anxious scent, before it turned neutral.

When he opened the door there were 2 people dressed like security guards. Their noses immediately wrinkled up at the explosion of scents that had been clogged up in the apartment were released into the hallway.

"We are here to pick you up for the trail" one of them managed to compose themself. White dove like wings fluttering behind him, a Beta.

Together they left the apartment, Jin locking the door behind them. The Alphas subconsciously formed a group around Jimin, an unconscious effort to protect their Omega.

The two youngest Alphas stood at Jimin's side, clutching his hands in theirs. Providing some comfort to the quivering Omega. His wings icy blue wings were dropped low, not even bothering to hold them up. His mind otherwise occupied, his lower feathers occasionally caught the ground, mud smearing against the pale feathers.

Namjoon reached out a hand and lifted Jimin's wings, trying to prevent them from touching the ground. Jimin gave him a surprised look over his shoulder. The Alpha merely smiled a wobbly smile, just a quick turn up at the corner of his lips.

The car ride felt both too quick and too slow at the same time. When one is filled with nerves it distorts time and it is easy to loose track of. Jimin sat in the car his hand clutched around the bonding collar gifted from all of his Alphas, they thought it would be more appropriate than one of the collars gifted individually by one of his Alphas.

His fingers running along the charms his Alphas had lovingly placed along the front of the collar, it provided him with a distraction of sorts and a way to calm his adrenaline rush.


When they arrived at the courthouse where the trial was to be held. Jimin didn't know what to expect, but this certainly wasn't it.

There was a massive crowd, over 1,000 people at least. So much that the driver was struggling to get down the road and to the entrance. Jimin didn't really know why they were here.

But when he saw one of the signs, he could have burst into tears at what it said.

"This fanbase of yours is rather insane" the guard in the passenger seat looked out in awe at the large crowd of people.

They were all holding up banners and messages with similar messages on them. '#Justice for Jimin' was one of the big ones.

Though some were mentioning justice for Omegas as well. They had all come to support Jimin in the trail. He broke down right there. His head dropping down between his knees, the seat belt preventing him from getting too far. His clasped a hand over his mouth as he sobbed.

Yoongi reached out a hand to run in soothing circles over his lower back, the wings preventing him from going any higher. Jimin leant over into the touch, his face pressing into the Alpha's thigh.

And with the tension released from his chest, Jimin lifted his head. Eyes rimmed red, cheeks wet and eyes glassy.

"You ready sweetheart" Hoseok reached over to hold Jimin's hand that was resting on the back rest of his chair in the mini van.

Jimin nodded, not trusting his voice to sound out the words. Yoongi pushed open the car door, stepping out. There were a bunch of lights that flashed, the paparazzi were here. Clearly eager to catch Jimin for an inside scoop that would be far from the truth.

Jimin stepped out of the mini van, he dropped his head to prevent the flashing lights from hitting his eyes and to shield his tear stained face from the camera lenses. His Alphas exited the van as quickly as they could after him, forming the protective barrier around him once again.

Wings raised high to block Jimin from the view of the crowd. But the crowd was a mixture of voices, some were trying to get information from Jimin about the trial, to get themselves a good story in the newspaper. Other were Armies yelling out their support, their voices were louder than the paparazzi's quickly overwhelming them and becoming the soul voice of the mass.

When they reached the doors, Jimin quietly asked his Alphas to step aside to allow him to be visible. The crowd seemed to hold their breaths at the sight of the Omega. Jimin dropped into a 90° bow to the Army. And projecting his voice as much as he could, he wanted as many people to hear it as possible, he said thank you.

With scary synchronisation the crowd of Army, shouted back "Good luck Jimin, fighting" that allowed him to smile, even if it was brief.

Then he disappeared inside, his Alphas following behind him.


He barely got through the doors when he was engulfed in a hug, it was warm and smelt of passionfruit. He immediately knew it to be his Dad, Jemian was clinging to his fledgling with everything he had. Wanting to pull his kid away from all the politics and into his nest where he could keep him safe.

Jimin leant into the hug, soaking up every bit of the warmth his father was emitting. Allowing the scent of passionfruit to wash over him. Adding to the concoction of scents he was already wearing.

When his Dad pulled back he was immediately pulled into another set of arms, these were more slender but they still held him just as tightly. The scent of spicy dark chocolate was present and he felt emerald wings pull around into a wing hug. Something his mother rarely did, so he took an moment to just enjoy the feeling.

And finally one more set of arms pulled him close, they were familiar and Jimin realised in that moment how much he missed his brother and his sandalwood scent.

His family were all here to support him and he had to fight off tears for the millionth time that day.


So the trial will consist of 3 chapters. This one and 2 more. I hope you are ready for them.

What do you think the outcome of the trial will be?

I hope you liked the chapter.




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