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(Chapter 108)Love needs no words

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(Chapter 108)
Love needs no words

Author POV

Jimin lay in his nest, surrounded by his Alphas. It was warm and comfortable as a nest should be. The scent to anyone else would be cloying and thick, but to Jimin it was perfect, the perfect mix of comfort and security.

He sat in amongst his mates who were yet to wake up, despite the comforts of having his Alphas close and the warm safety of his nest, he felt on edge. But he was carefully tempering his emotions, not wanting a distressed scent to damage the fragile comfort he was trying to embrace.

Jungkook made a small jolting movement, he was waking up. Soon the head of hair emerged from the pile, looking around bleary eyed and confused as he tried to gain his bearings.

"You're awake?" Was his first remark. Eyes casting over Jimin, he was sat with his knees pulled up to his chest, wings laying out, Hoseok had taken some of the feathers in a light grasp. So he couldn't risk moving his wings incase of damage or waking the Alpha.

"Yeah" Jimin's voice was muffled by his knees.

"You ok?" The youngest golden winged Alpha was already climbing over the pile, trying hard not to step on anyone.

But eventually he made it, kneeling in front of his mate, wings dropping to the floor, not awake enough to have the effort to hold them up.

"No" the word was nearly silent as it was uttered.

Jungkook wasted no time, reaching out, he held his hand out over Jimin's arm, looking to him for permission to touch him, wanting his consent in a clearly vulnerable state.

Jimin nodded his ascent, Jungkook moved slowly not wanting to startle him, until they were wrapped in a tight embrace. He felt the tears drop onto his shoulder, staining his t-shirt. But he could've cared less.

The sobs were silent, but body shaking, as if they were coming directly from his soul.

They both said nothing, Jungkook giving silent comfort, allowing Jimin to take whatever he needed, he wouldn't be able to soon and that thought made him angry. His wings twitched in agitation, but he kept his scent calm, after all Jimin's face was buried in his scent gland any change may affect him.

It was about half an hour later when the others began to stir. To be honest, Namjoon had spread out so used to sleeping in his normal bed when Jimin was away that he hit several people with limbs and wings.

There was a great deal of flapping of wings and half hearted threats, everyone too tired to enact their words.

"Jiminie?" Jin was crouching down beside the curled up pair.

When Jimin turned his blotchy red eyes to the Alpha, Jin felt his heart ache.

"What would you like for breakfast?" He kept his scent soothing as Jungkook was.

"Can you make your special?" Jimin asked hopefully.

"Of course, anything for my worldwide cutie" Jin stated.

Jimin laughed a little at the reference to when they had first met.

"Thank you worldwide handsome" he responded, earning a soft smile from the purple winged Alpha.

He ran a gentle hand through the Omega's hair, Jimin arched into the affectionate touch like a cat. Before the eldest departed to the kitchen to whip up breakfast for the group.

"We got you something" Namjoon addressed Jimin.

Jimin looked at him with inquisitive eyes.

Hoseok handed him a bag, sunset orange wings fluttering anxiously in anticipation of the Omega's reaction.

Jimin opened the bag and pulled out a soft bear.

"It is a scent bear, we know they are supposed to be for kids, but we found out they were the best known things to hold scents." Namjoon explained.

"We got you two, one for the first month and another for the second month. We hope the scent last that long" Jungkook said, still octopused around Jimin even though the Omega had stopped hugging back in favour of holding the bear.

Jimin pulled it up to press it to his face and when he inhaled it was a mixture of the Alphas scents, he felt every muscle in his body relax.

"Thank you" the words were softly spoke, but genuine and from the heart.

Breakfast had been tense, everyone not ready to let go yet, so many of the conversations brought up were cut off in awkward silences. No one being able to relax and interact calmly as they knew what was coming after lunch time.

After breakfast they had moved straight back to the nest, Jimin having already packed his bags, he had woken up earlier than the Alphas knew about to do it. It felt like a task he should do alone.

It had been a moment of silence, tears making tracks down his face, the slight sound of rustling material as it was fold and placed into the suitcase. He had stuffed as many of the stuffed toys Jungkook has won for him into the bag after all the essentials were packed.

Usually all of them were included around the edge of his nest in his bedroom. He could only fit in 10, the 11th had no room.

Jimin spent the next hour or so cuddling with his mates, they thoroughly scented him till he almost couldn't detect his own scent amongst the mixture.

A knock on the door broke the fragile atmosphere in the flat. Eyes casting over to the door, there were mixed reactions around the room.

But Namjoon got up and walked to the door.

"We are here for Park Jimin" the man told them simply.

Namjoon nodded solemnly.

The men were already grabbing the bags at the door to take them downstairs into the van that would take him to the Omega correction facility.

The Alphas had all simultaneously growled when the men had tried to step into the flat, the men had backed off respecting their territory.

The hugs had been tight and tears shed as Jimin parted from the pack for 2 months, his hand had immediately went to clutch his collar, they had agreed he would wear the group collar at the facility, leaving the individually made ones at home.

He already wanted to turn around and run back, but he was maneuvered into the van and driven away before he could even think to retaliate.


So I decided to do a fluffy chapter with a handful of angst.

Hope you liked it




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