(Chapter 76)Me aswell?

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(Chapter 76)
Me aswell?

Author POV

Jin lent against the wall. Hoseok stood before him, insisting that he knew something was wrong and it was alright to confide in him.

"I'm worried about asking him" Jin finally confessed. It felt like a weight of his shoulders. And like he could finally breath alittle easier.

"I was too. But then he smiled at me and said he accepted my offer. He will no doubt do the same for you" Hoseok attempted to reassure the eldest Alpha.

The deep purple wings that had been so motionless before now shook with anxiety. Little shudders wracked through Jin's body every few minutes in passing.

"But he may think I am to old. He is young only 21, I am 24. Plus he already has 5 of you courting him, it will be too crowded with a 6th person" Jin started spouting out a list of worries that had been playing on his mind.

Yoongi who had been walking past the door, it was slightly ajar heard these worries. Not one to want his eldest flock mate suffer.

"I am literally one year younger than you and he accepted me. So age isn't a problem, Jimin is kind of heart and he wouldn't want to see one of his favourite hyungs like this. Jin-hyung, I am not the most confident person I will admit that, and I stood up to my own insecurities and asked him. Trust me when he accepts you it will feel like your whole heart lit up." Yoongi informed him and Jin could see the clear and unwavering compassion in the smaller Alpha's eyes.

Jin nodded thanking both Hoseok and Yoongi and requested that he could have some time alone to think. The both accepted it, but their gazes where clear of their support.

Jin pulled out his gift that he had been working on for a couple of weeks. Running his hand over the cover, he noticed the tremble in his normally still hands and willed it to stop. He pushed his face into his hand, his hair brushing against his fingers. Tickling when he moved his hands.

Could he really ask Jimin and have him accept him as Hoseok and Yoongi were so sure off.

"Jin-hyung are you alright?" Jimin knocked at the door.

Jin chucked the book he had been clutching in his hands under his pillow.

"Yeah I'm fine" he forced his voice to be calm.

"Oh, but Yoongi-hyung said you weren't feeling the best. So I brought you some chocolate and I thought we could cuddle and watch a film till you feel better" Jimin sure to his word did have a box of chocolates in his hands and his laptop and one of his fluffy blankets, one of the ones that Jin really wanted to know where he got them from.

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