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(Chapter 114)To all the ARMY

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(Chapter 114)
To all the ARMY

Author POV

Jimin had been working tirelessly, this had to be perfect. 

Jimin had written a book, it began in his captivity, now he wanted to finish it while he was free. He wanted the book to be a symbol, a way of fighting back. It was harmless but could spark something more. At least that is what he hoped would happen.

The book highlighted the struggles of being an Omega. How their life was so constricted by old rules and views. Displaying that they were oppressing people due to one designation that was completely out of their control. Presentation is a thing from birth, not a learnt behaviour. 

He had arranged for the book to be published. Many felt inspired by his win in court, that they were eager to see what he did next. What stand he would take now that he was free once again and with an Army at his back. 

The publishing company were a forward thinking organisation. They were known to stray out of stereotypical publishing, allowing radical books to be published under their name. Jimin had gotten a few books from them in the past, his past patronage was bound to have helped his cause. He was sure of that. 

He had put time and effort into the writing of the book, having his mates read over sections. Namjoon offered good advice he discovered, the Alpha was well read so Jimin trusted his judgement. 

He still hadn't been cleared to return to idol activities, outside of vocal practice. Anything physical like dance and practicing choreography weren't allowed, so the book did well to occupy his mind, rather than stew in boredom until his Alphas returned home. He truly felt like a stay at home Omega in those moments, he was just missing the children around his feet and on his hip to finish the picture.

It took him 3 months to finish the book, from front to back. In under a month the publishing company released the book. In less than 24 hours millions of copies had been sold and ordered. After all the Army were loyal to the end. 


Jimin lay in the nest, he was watching the news, seeing how the world was doing was easing his boredom.

He watched with interest as a new topic came in. There was a report of a protest, the camera panned across a large gathering.

People weren't shouting. Infact they stood silently.

"Here stand supporters of an Omega rights movement. They choose not to speak as that is how the government chooses to see them. But they will protest in that silence till they can have voices that are to be heard." The commentator stated.

Jimin's eyes widened when he saw people clutching his book to their chests, or displaying pictures of him on signs.

A part of him panicked, the other part was proud. His books and actions had done this. He had given inspiration to those forced into silence.

His wings were practically quivering with excitement as the news continued to cover the protest. This was far more interesting than anything else on TV, he found himself transfixed for the next 10 minutes.

Part of him wanted to join the protest, but he knew that he had just gotten out of 'Prison' and he had no intentions of going back anytime soon. So he pulled out his phone, looking up more information on the protest through his phone.

He didn't even realise when his mates came home, he was so immersed in the news. His wings spread out, relaxed and happy. His scent was comforting and homely, a scent of a satisfied Omega. 

His mates paused at the entrance to the living room, just to take in the scent of content. But soon they were entering the space, dropping off their stuff in their rooms, grabbing food or drinks, getting into comfortable clothing so they too could relax.

"What's got you excited baby?" Jin lent over the back of the sofa to look at their mate spread out in his nest.

"My book started a protest" Jimin stated with a grin.

"A protest?" Jin retorted.

"Yeah, their was a bunch of Omegas protesting for more rights at the government building today" Jimin informed them.

"That might have been why the traffic was so packed today" Namjoon supplied.

Yoongi was already climbing into the nest, after seeking permission from Jimin. The Omega readily dropped his phone to the side to bring his sleepy Alpha into a cuddle, with their wings wrapping around each other in a protective cocoon. 

"I'm cooking tonight, what do people want?" Hoseok asked.

The room perked up with ideas. It had Jin sighing and offering to help the sunset winged Alpha. Hoseok thanked him, he had been bombarded with too much food. They left to start preparing dinner, while the rest curled up in the nest with their Omega.

After the initial wing hugs amongst all the Alphas, they had now been building up their tolerance to each other more. So it was becoming easier for them to slip into the nest and cuddle together, without risk of a territorial fight breaking out due to wings clashing.

Namjoon and Yoongi still preferred to be on the outsides of the cuddle piles, but they were more likely to spread one of their wings over the nearest person in the pile, keeping the other wing out. They were doing that currently. 

Yoongi remained curled around Jimin, Jimin had Taehyung latched onto his other side. Jungkook had latched onto Taehyung, the youngest had been the easiest of the group to initiate wing hugs between each other. They suspected it was from the brotherly connection they shared together. 

Finally Namjoon curled around their youngest member, Jungkook always freaked out whenever Namjoon cuddled with him. It was the fact that someone who he looked up to acknowledged him like that, it was simply mind blowing for him. 

They were all called to dinner 45 minutes later, once finished the cuddle pile received its final two members to make it complete.

It was a class of wings and bright colours, but it was a family. A flock binded by love and respect. 


So the next chapter is the last official chapter of Wings.

Then there will be the bonus chapters. But then we will be done.

How's everyone feeling?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.




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