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(Chapter 95)In my heart I hold you tight

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(Chapter 95)
In my heart I hold you tight

Author POV

Hoseok held the box that held the contents of a gift he had been working on for over 3 months. He opened the box once again, a last look at the hardwork.

He trailed his fingers over the rivets and stitching that lined the rim of the collar. He had used light orange material, it was soft and smooth to the touch. He had embroidered the beat of their first song together into the material, a memory he cherished. And would continue to cherish for all his days to come.

He stood by the door to Jimin's room in the hospital. Trying to calm his breathing as much as possible, they came out in small shaky puffs. Evidence of his nervous demeanor.

He gently knocked on the door, like he was a lover meeting his other half in the secret of the night. Forbidden for the world to see. But in reality he was just Hoseok, a sunset winged Alpha who had fallen head over feet for his Jiminie.

He opened the door when Jimin called out for him to come in.

"Hi" Jimin grinned at him. He was sat down in the specially made wheelchair.

"Hi. Are you going somewhere?" Hoseok asked, looking to the wheelchair.

"Yeah, the nurse said I could go to the gardens in the centre of the facility. Said I had earned it." Jimin smiled.

"Oh" Hoseok responded.

"You can come with me, as long as I have someone monitoring me I will be fine" Jimin invited.

Hoseok nodded, he tucked the box he had been holding into his backpack and rounded the wheelchair so he could push it for the Omega.

Jimin lent his head back so he could smile up ag Hoseok. Hoseok smiled back leaning down, he pressed a kiss to Jimin's forehead. Leaving the Omega to blush lightly at the affection.

He slowly began to push the wheelchair out of the room, Jimin's eyes lighting up as he looked around the facility. He hadn't left the room since he had arrived over 2 weeks ago. He had been going stir crazy in his room as the days had gone by, seeing his Alphas had curbed the feeling slightly as they visited regularly.

"How is everyone?" Jimin inquired.

"Well, we are currently fixing the living room. The walls and doors have been replaced at home. We are mostly in disagreement over the new sofas. Bighit are letting us choose and everyone seems to have a different opinion on everything we consider" Hoseok caught him up on dorm life as they continued the walk to the internal garden.

Eventually they got their, the staff member scanned the band around Jimin's wrist. Informing them they had 2 hours maximum before he would have to return to his room.


Jimin's face positively lit up when he saw the garden. He kept on reaching his hands out to stroke the flowers blooming along the designated path through the garden. Hoseok watched his childish glee with a warm heart and a soft smile. He couldn't put into words how much he adored the man before him.

"Could we go and lie on the grass?" Jimin asked. Pointing out a large grassy area surrounded by a ankle high wall and the flower beds were overflowing with greenery. It was secluded and gave them the freedom Jimin desired to feel.

Hoseok nodded wheeling the chair towards the edge of the grass. He got to the grass edge, rounding the wheelchair. Jimin reached out this arms and Hoseok lifted him carefully.

Jimin's wings had been carefully wrapped in a secure jacket. They were held together by buckles and clinical cloth. It was uncomfortable but allowed him to move easier without damaging or straining his wings.

Hoseok carefully lay Jimin down on his stomach. The blanket that had been over Jimin's lap lay on the grass, preventing Jimin's legs from touching the grass. Protecting the wounds.

"Could you unfasten the jacket?" Jimin asked.

"Can I?" He looked to the secure jacket around Jimin's wings.

"The nurse said it was just for moving.  As long as they remain on the cloth then I will be fine. It will do them some good to be able to spread out." Jimin responded.

So Hoseok got to work unfastening the jacket buckles till eventually the pastel blue wings that reminded the Alpha of ice spilled out of the seams. He was once again entranced by the colours displayed along the Omega's wings.

"Beautiful" he whispered under his breath as he lay out the clinically sterilised cloth onto the grass.

"You can spread your wings out if you want" he offered.

Jimin took him up on the offer, slowly his wings unfurled. Spreading out to their full length as he lay them out on the cloth.

Hoseok was happy to see the missing feathers had begun to grow back in and the wings over all were looking infinitely healthier than they had the previous week.

Jimin finally let out a sigh of content as he lay out on the grass. The room was like a large greenhouse, so it was warm and leaving them feeling sleepy. Jimin was close to nodding off as he shifted to get comfortable.

"Jimin" Hoseok asked nervously.

He looked extremely fidgety as Jimin's eyes swept to meet him. Jimin made a huffing noise of acknowledgement, too sleepy to talk.

"I have something for you" Hoseok reached into his backpack and handed the box he had pain stakingly chose to hold the object of months of hardwork and dedication.

Jimin moved up onto his forearms so that he could view the box better, hissing slightly as he shifted his back. The painkillers doing their job, but even they couldn't hide all of the pain. Hoseok made a displeased face at the Omega's pain.

But soon it turn back into nervous anticipation. Jimin slowly opened the box to reveal the orange and red collar that symbolised 3 months of hardwork on Hoseok's behalf.

He lifted it out of the box, assessing it in silence. Hoseok had made it thin, almost choker like in its style. With a mixed material showing a red to orange gradient. He had attached a small metal charm to the front, a small detailed sun.

Jimin's face began to light up into a smile. He held the collar up and pressed it to his face.

"Jimin will you accept me as your mate?" Hoseok asked out of tradition.

"Yes, only if you accept me as your mate as well" Jimin grinned.

"Always" Hoseok shifted across the grass and Jimin exposed his neck so Hoseok could wrap the collar around it.

Jimin looked good in his colours Hoseok decided as he lent back on his heels to look at his mate. The contrast of the orange and red collar against the icy colours of the Omega's wings looked enchanting.

"Beautiful" Hoseok whispered once again as he swept his eyes over his mate.


Why did no one tell me I hadn't updated Wings in over a month!

Sorry it took me so long to get this chapter to you. Now I feel bad :(

But anyway I hope you liked it.




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