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Dear Josie,

You'll never know how sorry I am. For everything. From the stuff with Kai to Nyx's utter bullshit. For not seeing how they were using us. I was stupid and naive and thought that I was smarter than them—that I could outsmart them. I guess my luck ran out a long time ago. Now, I've unleashed unknown dangers on this world all because I thought I was better.

I don't know when you'll read this. Maybe when you wake up, or maybe you'll wait. I understand if you're mad with me. I deserve it.

I put you in danger. Unimaginable, indescribable danger. Not Nyx, not Fenrir or JJ. I did when I broke that sand clock and locked you out. But you have to know that I do not regret it. I only regret how much I hurt you in the process.

I should have told you why it was so important that I do the spell. I should have told you how important it was for you to stay away, but I was selfish and scared of how you would react. You deserve better than that.

Despite everything Nyx and I tried, JJ and Fenrir still made it back. At least, that's what my mom said. They're here in this world just waiting to destroy everything. You have to know that I never wanted this—I only wanted to keep you safe, and I failed miserably.

I can't tell you where I'm going now even though I want to. I can't tell you everything I've been wanting to since the moment I met you even if I couldn't admit it then. You are the most important person in my life, and I will do whatever I have to to keep you safe. Even if that means never seeing you again.

Fenrir and JJ will come eventually. They will find us wherever we are and they won't stop until they destroy everything. The least I can do is give all of us enough time to come up with a solution, and the only way to do that is to do the opposite of what they expect. They expect us to be together as eljun should be. I don't know if you can still feel the bond, but I can't. I know it's still there, but as I sit writing this so far away, I can't feel you. Not the way I could before.

You know me, Josie. I'm a runner. And I will run for as long as I can to keep you safe. I know you won't want to understand, but please. This is the only way I can think of that won't hurt you more than I already have.

I hope you can forgive me.


Josie feels tears falling down her cheeks but she does not move from staring at the letter clutched in her hands. Everything else is so far away like waves in the night. She reads the letter once more only succeeding in making more tears drip down her chin.

Her lip wavers as she asks, "How long—"

"All four of them left three days ago." Her sister's voice makes it through the haze like a siren's call. "She woke up and they were gone. But the letter...It appeared yesterday on your dresser."

Josie's tongue darts out, catching saltwater resting on her lips. "A-after all that, she's...She just..." She finally lifts her gaze from the paper to her sister. "We were supposed to figure it out together. I-I don't—"

Lizzie wraps her arms around her as Josie begins to sob, choking on her own tears. Pulling away does nothing to stop it. "I need it back," she rasps, getting up as she looks around the room. "I-I need the magic back. I-I have to f-find h-her."

"Jo, no—"

"Yes, Lizzie," Josie shouts, ripping her arms away. "This is all my fault, ok? I need to fix this. I need to figure this out because if I hadn't done black magic in the first place, none of this would be happening. I need to—I need her back. We were supposed to fix this together, so I need her, ok? I-I just—"

The cup of water on her dresser turns blood red.

Josie shakes her head as she continues backing up. "I need the magic to find her, ok? I need to find her this time. I already failed before and look where we are now—" She trips over the curled rug, falling on her back. All she does is cover her eyes with her palms as Lizzie kneels next to her. "I-I love her, Lizzie." She drops her hands.

Pursing her lips, Lizzie looks back at the closed door where their father no doubt stands outside the room. "We're going to get her back," Lizzie whispers. "Even though we promised each other we wouldn't let cute boys and girls run our lives anymore, we're going to find her. And we're going to do it whether Dad lets us or not."

Josie sniffles as she sits up. "You'll help me?"

"I will always help you," Lizzie smiles. "Besides, she's due for an ass-whooping next time I see her. That girl is so head over heels for you, it's stupid."

Despite herself, a laugh bubbles from her lips as the water turns clear once more. "Y-yeah. She can be stupid."

Lizzie cups her cheeks with a grin. "We'll find her, Jo. I swear."

First chapter! I know that for some reason I like separating my characters in the beginning of stories, but I'm doing it again! 

Hope you enjoyed!


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