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One thing Isaac has learned over his years as a kid and then a werewolf, running from too many hunters to count with so many different amazing people, is how to set a broken arm. No one really knows how Josie tripped and hurt herself, but Isaac more than happily agrees to help her. Seeing the portrayal of his Alpha was a bit unnerving, especially since he himself lived part of the story through Lexi.

"I'm sorry I took you away from the show," Josie says, wincing as he presses his fingers into her skin. "I really don't get what happened."

"It's totally fine," Isaac says.

Josie flicks her gaze up. "But you were filming."

He was hoping she hadn't noticed. "Yeah, well, that's ok." He purses his lips. "I'm sure someone else is finishing up the recording." In reality, he had only been filming for Stella: he knows her well enough to expect questions about the performance the next time they speak. "I have to set the arm, ok? It's gonna hurt."

"Worse than what's already happened?" Josie asks. It may be a lame attempt at humor, but the small amount of fear in her eyes makes him sigh. "Right, that's probably not important."

"I'll be taking your pain away while I work, ok? Don't worry." He manages a smile. "I've got you. I'm gonna count to five. One, two—" Isaac sets her arm and instantly starts taking her pain.

A whimper escapes her lips, but she sighs quickly in relief. "That wasn't five," she mutters.

"Little trick from my Alpha," He grins as he lets go to grab the splint he made. "You weren't expecting it, and it didn't hurt as much."

She presses her lips together. "Still hurt."

"I'm sure."

As he begins to wrap her arm up, she winces a bit beside him. "You know, I just realized you were there when it happened," she says, looking up from her arm. "Did you ever meet them?"

"I met Lexi's family," Isaac says with a sigh. "Well, I guess that's an overstatement. I saw Klaus once at a diner, I never really got the chance to meet Elijah, but I did get the chance to shake Kol's hand and get a hug from Rebekah. She may be cold, but she gives really good hugs." He smiles a bit as he thinks of the kind blonde who still, to this day, never fails to lift his mood with her terrible baking. "It's a bit weird to see them as your villains."

"Yeah, I mean, I've met Mrs. Hale before. She's nothing like how Landon showed her," Josie replies. "She's always so calm and collected. The show made her seem a bit..."

"Angry?" Isaac takes a deep breath as he finishes the splint and lets his hands drop. "Lexi has always been angry, but when she was here, at least when I was first getting to know her, she lost that bit of humanity that was always there in Beacon. With my pack, she could be the real Lexi, but with Mystic Falls, she had to be this legendary person made by the society around her instead of herself. I guess I can see it but watching it was a bit much."

"I guess."

With a nod, Isaac stands. "You're all finished, Josie. Just keep your arm in this for a bit until Lizzie gets back to heal you completely."

"Thank you."

Before Isaac leaves, his eyes dart over to the dresser. "Oh, flowers," he says with a smile as he walks over to pick up the small bouquet. "Pretty."

"Oh." Isaac looks back to see a small frown on her face. He hands her the flowers as she says, "I didn't notice them. Was there a card?"

He shakes his head.

Josie's frown deepens as she presses her nose to one of the buds, a small smile replacing the confused expression. "I wonder who sent them. I didn't think Forget-Me-Nots were in season."

"I didn't even know the flower," Isaac sighs. "Maybe you've got a secret admirer."

"Yeah, well, they'll be disappointed to learn I've only got eyes for one person."

His small feeling of contentment fades when the flowers click in his mind. Luckily, he's saved from his sudden realization when a knock sounds at the door.

Hope peeks in, smiling when her eyes land on the bouquet. "Oh, good," she says as she steps in. "You got the flowers."

"Are they from you?" Josie asks.

Hope's eyes widen. "Me? Oh, no, I-I just heard through the grapevine, you know? I guess you don't know who they're from?"

As Isaac narrows his eyes at the guilty-looking tribrid, Josie shakes her head. "I wish I knew so I could thank them though." With a sigh, Josie looks back up at the two. "I heard you went on as Elena. How'd you like your turn in the spotlight?"

"Never again," Hope chuckles as she clasps her hands behind her back. "Actually, I—"

"Hope, can I talk to you?" Isaac asks, clenching his jaw.

"Oh, yeah. Sure."

The two step out of Josie's room, Isaac closing the door behind them before he whispers, "What are you doing?"

"I did some thinking," she says, her voice equally quiet. "I think we should tell her."

"Are you crazy?" He winces at the volume of his voice as his gaze darts to the few students roaming the halls including the new transfer who stares at them from the stairs. "You know she doesn't want that."

Hope shakes her head. "You know and I know that both are hurting more than they're healing."

"Hope, it's not our choice to make." He bites his lip as he runs a hand through his hair. "It's Stella's."


"No." Gripping her arms, Isaac takes a deep breath. "I know you want to do what's right. I do too. I don't think you get how much I agree with you, but it's not our choice to tell her. Stella wants to stay away, and it's our job to respect her wishes. Besides, I don't think we need Mama Hale getting mad at us."

Hope sighs and hangs her head. "I just thought...I just want them to be happy, Isaac."

"I know. I do too."

I did not make this meme but I saw it and thought it fit with how Hope is through this chapter and last. Credit to the creator (I saw this on google images so I don't know who it is)

 Credit to the creator (I saw this on google images so I don't know who it is)

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So, last chapter a bunch of people said they liked longer chapters. I'm gonna do my best to make longer chapters in the future and adjust what I include in one chapter, so hopefully it all works out. Normally I aim for between 1500-2500 words, but I'll aim higher, especially when writing new material.

Also, PSA: Hope Mikaelson/Danielle Rose Russel could kill me and I'd thank her. 

Hope you enjoyed!


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