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Note: Ignore Penelope.

Josie stands alone in front of a small apartment complex, her bottom lip tucked between her teeth. Although her skin itches with each step she takes, she finds herself pausing in the parking lot. Thoughts whirl through her mind as she takes a deep breath.

A small, dark car is parked off to the side beneath a large birch tree. Josie sneaks a glance through the window to find the passenger's seat filled with papers and books. A magical charm hangs from the dashboard—Josie recognizes the snakeskin wrapped around a small bone. Clever, she thinks to herself as she spies a small knife sticking out of the passenger's compartment.

Looking back down at the note hidden in her palm, she finally makes her way through the parking lot and up to the second floor of apartments. She doesn't even realize when she reaches the end of the row, standing before the last apartment on the floor.

Josie looks over her shoulder back at the parking lot as she nervously wets her lips. The itching of her skin soothes as she raises her closed fist to knock.

The door opens before she has a chance.

Her breath catches in her throat when Josie meets a sea of blue. The paleness of her skin had faded with time along with the bags under her eyes. Her cheeks, once hollow and sharp, are more rounded than before with some color too. She wears a silver bracelet along with the guitar slung over her shoulder as she stares at Josie.

"Hi, Stella."

The Hale witch blinks slowly before she glances around Josie, almost fearfully.

"I came up here alone," Josie says softly. "Just us, I swear."

She opens her mouth but no words fall out for the longest moment. Finally, she says, "I'm more worried about who might have followed you." Grimacing, she shakes her head. "That's not the first thing I wanted to say to you."

Josie looks down at her feet. "Can I come in?"

Stella nods and moves to the side. She slides the lock in place once Josie is inside and the door is closed. As Josie looks around the small studio apartment, Stella flicks the blinds closed on the forward-facing window and places a full glass of what looks to be water on the sill before letting her guitar rest against the counter.

"How'd you find me?" Stella asks with a forced laugh. Josie turns back to face the girl to find her offering a steaming cup of tea. "Your favorite."

Taking the cup, Josie places it down on the granite behind Stella, almost brushing her arm against the girl's. "Thanks, but I'm not thirsty," Josie says as Stella stiffens. "Surprisingly, Alyssa told me. She also mentioned you had something to do with the Necromancer's demise."

Stella clenches her jaw.

"And Lizzie helped a bit too," Josie continues. "With the whole magic thing since I sealed it away. Cloaking and infinite bag space." She pats her small bag which hangs off of her shoulder, almost missing the flash of concern that flashes over Stella's face.

"I see." Stella swings the guitar off of her back and places it against the wall beside her bed. She does not sit, rather just turns to face Josie. "Why did you find me?"

"Why?" Josie frowns. "Why wouldn't I?"

"JJ," Josie feels her throat tighten. "and Fenrir. We don't know what they want or where they are—"

"Do you really want to talk about that?" Josie almost snaps. "I know I don't."

Stella nods. "Ok. What do you want to talk about?"

Enemy Fire | J. Saltzman - Legacies [3]Where stories live. Discover now