T H I R T Y - S I X

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Warning: depiction of death, sad goodbyes, sacrifice, blood, violence, explicit language


It wasn't supposed to end this way. He came to this terrible place to rescue Stella. How had everything turned to shit so quickly? Why does it always have to be painful?

Fenrir was a formidable opponent. Aaron may have trained beneath a god who had fought his fair share of wars, but Fenrir was an animal. A caged wolf ready to play, and Aaron wasn't ready.

The wolf had toyed with him, let him believe he could win, but it was useless. How could Aaron possibly win against a god with everything to lose? It wasn't long before Fenrir had the upper hand, Excalibur now in the god's grasp and pushing Aaron away, the tip of his sword pressed against his chest.

"History repeating." The wolf had said. Aaron never thought history intended for the blood now staining his hands, but then again, he doubts Fenrir believed history would lead to this.

Fenrir had lunged forward, Excalibur aimed at Aaron's chest. The boy was too tired, too hurt to fight back or dodge, but someone shouted his name.

He couldn't register the voice until she leaped in front of him, the sword slicing through her stomach.

Aaron's hands wrapped around her as she fell to the ground, her face already too pale as she gasped for breath. Her blue eyes scanned his face as he whispered her name in shock. She saved him; she sacrificed herself for him.

Fenrir stumbled back—the god himself had stumbled away in terror—as he screamed.


Aaron doesn't know what to do as Stella lies dying in his arms, the wolf god before him shouting words in a language he's heard but cannot understand. He presses against the wound, but Fenrir had pulled out the sword in shock. Blood bubbles from the gash, burning hot and sticky against Aaron's hands.

"Why would you do that?!" Fenrir screams. The god does not approach, liquid tears filling his eyes. "Sacrifice yourself for him? Your enemy?! Why?!"

"Because," Stella rasps, her eyes slipping to Fenrir. "It fucks you over."

Fenrir lets loose a roar, the room shaking around them. Aaron does his best to keep Stella still, but she cries out in pain in his ear, her tears pressed against his skin.

"Stay with me," he mutters as he presses harder against her stomach. "Stella, stay awake, ok? You've still gotta kick my ass."

Her body shakes as a breathy chuckle falls from her lips. "I already have, golden boy," she replies, laying her hand over his. "I didn't think dying would hurt this much."

"You're not dying," Aaron insists, shaking his head. "Just stay awake, and you'll be fine."

"You stupid girl!" Fenrir's voice is more growl than human. "We could have changed the world! If only you'd listened!"

Stella barely glances at him, her lips twisted into a snarl. "I'm not your pet. This—this was my choice. And now, I..." Her gaze breaks, utter sorrow filling her eyes. "I want Josie. Where's Josie?"

"I-I—" He can't answer. The eljun could be anywhere, but she trusted him to save Stella, and now... Now, this is all his fault, for his stupid feelings and his idiotic hero complex. If they had been smart, she wouldn't be dying. They were supposed to save her. They should have saved her.

The air grows hot as Stella's eyes begin to flutter closed. "No, no!" Aaron yells, cupping her face. "Stay awake, you hear me! Stella!"


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