T W E N T Y - F I V E

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When Aaron walks back into the classroom, he was not expecting it to be full of angry students. He, himself, is holding a book of supernatural creatures, hoping to summon a Norn. They are the closest thing to fortune-tellers in his culture, and one could maybe help predict what's going to happen.

"You were going to summon a monster behind my back?" Hope exclaims as she faces off against Lizzie. Cleo stands against the wall as Landon sits between the two feuding witches. Aaron simply settles beside Cleo with a frown.

"Please, like you weren't planning on doing the same thing. And, knowing you, you would have released a Kraken with a muppet allergy that would've wiped out the rest of us."

Hope purses her lips. "Ok, unlike you, I actually listened to your father, so I was thinking cute, talking, harmless."

"Well, why don't you share with the rest of the class?"

"Is it always like this?" Cleo asks softly.

Aaron shrugs with a curt shake of his head. "Honestly, I have no idea."

"Why don't we summon a cherub?" Hope asks. "They're basically flying babies."

"With bows and arrows." Lizzie crosses her arms. "Cupid was a total bloodbath, remember?"

Landon springs to his feet. "Um, he wasn't actually Cupid, and shouldn't we just wait for Dr. Saltzman?"

"Stay out of this!"

Landon falls back into his seat which Aaron quietly drags back and away from the witches. "Trust me, dude. Let them handle this," he says. "You don't want to get in between two very angry witches. It might end in a new, unflattering haircut."

As Landon sadly touches the ends of his own mop of hair, Lizzie smirks and says, "It doesn't matter who he was, because pixies grant wishes."

"Ok, so does a monkey's paw. How would that work out?"

"You'll see. Fire up that summoning spell."

Cleo hesitates with her gaze on the door. "I do not believe that will be necessary."

Aaron follows her gaze to see a small pink creature in the threshold. "The monster's already here," he says with a frown.

"Oh, that is the cutest monster ever!" Landon gushes as the creature coos and watches them closely, its ears flopping over its head.

"What is it?" Hope asks.

Lizzie shakes her head. "I don't know, but I want one." She takes a step forward, but Aaron is quick to step up to her and grab her wrist to hold her back. She doesn't even shrug him off, which sends both a warmth through his veins and confusion.

"Did you summon this thing?" Hope asks Cleo.

"No. We must be wary."

"More like merry!" Lizzie exclaims. "This thing could check all of our boxes. Now, somebody, quick, throw a blanket over it, and we'll find out if it can talk."

"Screw you!" The monster says, its voice high-pitched. Aaron grimaces and tightens his grip on Lizzie. "How's that for talking?"

"Grab it," Hope orders.

As the monster scurries off with Lizzie and Hope on its trail, Aaron turns back to the others. "Did I miss something? I feel like I missed something."

Cleo sighs and pats his shoulder. "For now, we should try to figure out what that thing is. Better to leave them to their fight."

He considers it—he really does—before he decides against it. He chases after the girls to find them by the pool. "Hey!" He shouts as he jogs up to them. "Anything I can help with?"

Enemy Fire | J. Saltzman - Legacies [3]Where stories live. Discover now