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A girl walks through the halls of the abandoned school, though she knows students are hiding in the classrooms. She keeps her head low, avoiding any looks as she follows the darkness tied to her soul into a room with blood sigils on the ground. Stepping into it, her eyes wander over the symbols and the large candle in the center along with the man now standing up from the ground with a wide grin on his face.

"Hello, Ted."

The Necromancer freezes before turning to face her. She can't help the glare on her face or the narrowing of her eyes as he lets out a deep laugh. "My dear girl, we meet again."

She tilts her head and purses her lips. "Stop this now or else."

"Or else what, dark one?" He throws his arms out. "Your friends saved you. You don't have that dark magic anymore. What are you going to do?"

"Don't test me," she snaps. "I may not be Nyx anymore, but that doesn't make me any less of an eljun, and a powerful one at that. You will lose, you know that, right? Whether it's me or Hope or anyone really. You won't win."

"Actually, I will," he says. "I contacted a Norn. Do you know what those are?" She just crosses her arms as he saunters over to the discarded desk and sits, lifting his feet onto it. "The Norse world's version of oracles. Alyssa's idea. Smart one, she is."

"I'm sorry, what?"

He chuckles. "I've got a partner this time. I believe you used to be friends? Anyway, this Norn told me I'd win."


"How so?"

"Oh, I don't know." She leans over the desk, pursing her lips. "Maybe because oracles twist their words and yours. Did you ask if you would win or if your plan would work? Those are two different things, Ted. You should know that by now."

He growls and grits his teeth. "You're too late, dark one. I've already returned Malivore to this plane. See for yourself."

Frowning, she slowly turns around to see something sticking out of the shadows; taking a step closer, she gasps as the mud monster growls, his fingers spread wide as he swipes through the air. She dodges his hand, backing towards the Necromancer. "You idiot," she snaps. "Why?"

"He's beholden to me now. My eternal servant." The Necromancer lets out a laugh that makes her jerk away. "Don't worry, Stella. I've got plans for you yet."

She yelps when the mud monster swipes his hand through her waist, passing straight through her body. "Oh..." The Necromancer hums as she nervously turns back to him. "You're not even truly here, are you? Dear girl, you are out of your depth. But, you'll be useful. Might as well keep you around for later."

With a wave of his hand, her eyes drift closed as she falls to the ground with a loud thump. Instead of feeling the fall, she gasps awake to find herself back in the bathroom alone sitting cross-legged on the tiled ground with five candles surrounding her. Cursing to herself, she sets up the spell once more, projecting her consciousness back to Mystic Falls.

When she appears back in that dark classroom, she frowns when she finds it free of the Necromancer with only a boy left in front of her. "Landon?" She breathes out.

His face remains emotionless as he cracks his neck. "Not anymore," he replies.


He grins. "You wish to stop the Necromancer too, do you not? This is not my realm. If you stand against me, you will lose."

"No, no, no!" She holds her hands up. "He took something from someone I used to know. I need to make sure it's safe and can't be used by anyone ever again. So, if you don't mind my asking, what's the plan?"

Enemy Fire | J. Saltzman - Legacies [3]Where stories live. Discover now