F O R T Y - T W O

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Stella's skin crawls as she stands in Lord Marshall's throne room with Alaric Saltzman kneeling in front of her, the dark lord themself silently sitting atop their throne behind her. The man before her had been sentenced to death, and the bounty hunter Stella plays is the perfect executioner.

Her hand shakes as she reaches for her gun. If the man could speak, he might, but one of the ninjas had gagged him. Not much of a fair trial, but that's not Stella's concern. She can't murder anyone, let alone Alaric Saltzman, in cold blood while her mind is her own.

The bounty hunter would take pleasure in it, but Stella might cry. This would be the second time Saltzman gives his life for hers. If the situation was reversed, he'd kill her in a heartbeat, but Stella's heart is still warm and thriving despite what she's been through.

"Do it." The voice is unrecognizable, but she knows it's Marshall.

Pursing her lips, Stella calls out in her mind: Josie? Josie, can you hear me?

Stella? Are you ok? What was that back there? We're—

I know. Stella seals her eyes shut. Listen, I'm gonna need you to bring me back, ok? I've gotta...I gotta get lost in the story one more time. So, promise me one hell of a kiss?

Josie goes silent for a moment, possibly conveying the information to her cellmates, but she may also just be thinking. Stella can't tell what goes through her head. I promise. Just, please stay safe. I almost lost you once, and I never want to see that again.

Love you too, Jo.

When she opens her eyes, the bounty hunter takes over. The shot blasts forward from her gun instantly, the body thudding at her feet. As she spins her pistol in her grip and turns to face Marshall, a grin spreads over her lips. "Treason averted, Lord. Anyone else you'd like dead?"

That skeletal mask tilts to the side. "Dismissed, bounty hunter."

She wastes no time in exiting the throne room, her steps quickening as she avoids the many ninjas crowding the halls. Instead, she makes her way to a side entrance and walks out of the building to find a young girl hidden in some nearby crates. Opening the crates, Stella grins. "Saltzman's no longer a problem, kiddo."

Hope Marshall rolls her eyes. "We've just gotta get the princess and her friends then."

"I may be small, but this is why I have you." She grins as she helps the young Hope into an open vent. "Three rights and a left, and you'll find them. I'll meet you at the hideout."

Hope nods as she disappears into the vent while Stella simply walks away. The plan was genius, really. Lord Marshall's personal bounty hunter could never be seen with just anyone, but she had grown tired of her ways. Light in the form of JO-513 dragged her further and further from the darkness, and eventually, she found her true origins lied with this little girl. Cousins, in a way.

As Stella prepares the hideout for guests, she hums a tune caught in her mind from childhood—a song of sunshine. She tidies up the kitchen and sheds her gun to clean it. Just as she begins taking it apart and putting it back together for the third time, she hears a young Hope walk in with other footsteps.

"This is where I live and plot my revenge against the Galactic Dominion," Hope says.

Stella scoffs, standing to lean over the railing. "Not alone, kiddo." Four pairs of eyes find her as Stella slides down the railing to meet them on the bottom floor. "You three better be able to help."

The scavenger blinks in surprise while the android surges forward, hungrily pressing her lips to Stella's. Once again, memories flood her mind of cherry blossoms and love songs before she pulls away. "We really should stop getting ourselves into these situations, huh, Jo?"

Enemy Fire | J. Saltzman - Legacies [3]Where stories live. Discover now