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Potential warning: truth weed

Josie feels like she's lying on a cloud of cotton candy. The air tastes of sugar and mint and every limb feels warm, like a comforting lull of the sea at sunset. Despite the soothing atmosphere around her, thoughts run through her mind on repeat—things she'd never say out loud. Unless she was under oath or under the influence of truth weed.

"We should...um...we should get going," MG says from his seat as she lies on the swinging futon. "I thought we both had places to be."

"What's the point?" Josie shrugs. "I'll never plan a good enough date, and the thought of letting Stella down...it's just so depressing."

"Why would you say that? Besides being hopped up on truth weed."

"Because I've been a terrible person," Josie says with a frown. "I'm not good enough for her, and that's a fact. Plus, the people I care about always end up leaving or hurting me. Stella's left me twice."

"Ok, but the first time was not her fault," MG replies as he leans forward. "And you are not a terrible person."

"But I am. You didn't see the ash trees." Josie stares out at the garden and purses her lips. "Her bad memories were the ash trees. I hurt her. I was a terrible friend when she first got here. I ignored her and shoved my feelings down her throat, and then I got jealous that she became friends with Lizzie. Then there was the time when I was dating Landon but had feelings for her. I'm just not good enough."

"Look, maybe this is bad advice coming from someone who's just been dumped and cheated on, but maybe you should just talk to her. Have you told her?"

"No." Sitting up, Josie takes off her tinted glasses. "But it's ok because she's hiding things too."

He scrunches up his face. "No, that's not..."

"The truth is I'm scared." She looks up at one of her oldest friends. "Really scared. I don't want to mess this up. I-I was supposed to meet Finch for lunch, and she was gonna help me set up later, but it's not enough, is it? I'm just...I'm terrified."

"I totally understand that," MG says as he takes her hand. "But you can't let fear keep you from being honest with the people you care about."

"Josie?" A voice echoes through the garden. "Jo? You out here?"

Josie's eyes widen as she shoves her face into the cushion while MG beckons Stella over to them. "No," she whines, but the footsteps get closer until Josie glances up to see Stella beside MG.

"What's wrong?" Stella asks, her brows pinched together in concern.

MG bites his lip. "She had some truth weed."

Stella's lips part in surprise, looking from the garden back to Josie. "Ok," she whispers. "Why don't you go and leave this to me, ok?"

"Great! I actually need to take my own advice, so bye!" MG waves excitedly before speeding away, leaving them in silence.

Josie shoves her face back into the pillow, ignoring the terrible stench from the feathers. "Leave me to wallow. I'm pathetic," she says, her voice muffled by the cushion.

"You're not pathetic." Stella gently takes the pillow away and lets Josie relax her head in her lap. "You just don't know botany."

"I'm rusty," Josie whines, balling her hands into fists. "You're not any better."

"Let me guess, looking for herba fermentum to speed up the baking?" Stella arches a brow slyly. Josie flicks her eyes open to stare. "Yeah, you gotta go with the red vines over the white ones. Blue calamus is a bitch."

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