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"What do you want? Let me go!"

"I can't do that." The wolf grins, his scar glinting in the low moonlight. "You see, we need to talk. You've been moving pieces around on the board, and we just can't have that, can we?"

"I don't know what you want from me. Obviously, I'm trying to take you down—"

"But we're on the same side." He reaches forward with a clawed hand to stroke the side of his victim's cheek. "It's about time you acknowledged that instead of running away from your destiny. I get it. You're thrown into the fray without any regard for your own life, but I will protect you."

The victim pants as anger flushes their skin. "I highly doubt that from the chains around my wrists."


The snake comes into view, but that isn't saying much. Everything is dark, elusive. "Now, now, brother," He grips the wolf's shoulder. "Don't be cruel. They'll join us when they see what we do."

"You're crazy! Let me go or I swear to—"

"Or." The snake's voice cuts through the air like ice. "There are other ways we can get what we want. Much less pleasant ways with much less protected people."

"You wouldn't dare."

"We won't hurt her. Too much. Maybe you should reconsider your stance before we reconsider just how important your life is."

Aaron bolts up from the desk. Papers stick to his cheek as he rubs his face, trying to calm his racing heart. His dream had felt so real as if he were the one chained to a wall. In fact, his own wrists burn yet they show no sign of irritation. His whole being is on fire, alight with fear and alarm, even as he jumps to his feet and staggers out of his room, desperate to gulp down fresh air.


He looks up to see Josie walking out of Hope's room, her brows knitted in concern. "Are you ok?" She asks, stopping a good few feet from him.

"No, actually," he replies. "I, uh, I had this dream."

"About Lizzie?" Josie's lips pull up.

He shakes his head, even as his cheeks burn. "No. About them."

Any pretense of amusement falls off of Josie's face as she steps up to him, her eyes wide with alarm. "Them like the gods them or them like other people?"

"When have we ever been that lucky?"

Slow, methodic stomps echo through the hall. On instinct, Aaron grabs Excalibur from his room as Josie picks up a candlestick and holds it ready to strike. They walk together, in sync, as an armored man steps into the hallway.

Josie lets out a screech as she swings the candlestick down, but the armored men yelps, "Wait! Wait! Stop—Jo! Jo, it's me!" He flips up the visor with a small, nervous smile.

"Wade," Josie sighs, her eyes wide as she lowers her weapon. Aaron himself lets out a long breath as he relaxes his grip on his sword. "Where is everyone?"

"What are you doing?" Aaron asks as he runs an eye down the armor. "Why are you dressed for battle?"

Wade chuckles. "Dr. S gave us a three-day weekend. Weren't you at assembly?"

With a frown, Aaron rubs his face. "Must have missed it."

"Either way, I stayed behind to defend the school in case the big M sends another monster. What are you doing here?" He looks at Josie. "I thought you were Eat, Pray, Loving with the townies now."

Enemy Fire | J. Saltzman - Legacies [3]Where stories live. Discover now