T W E N T Y - S I X

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This time, Sir Arthur Meatball has chosen to curl up in Stella's bag as she walks through the halls towards the office Josie texted her to meet her in. While it definitely sounded like a booty call she shouldn't bring the cat to, Stella doubts it from the text afterward assuring her that everyone was safe. Whenever she over explains, she always hides something, so Stella's hoping for a not-so-big surprise when she walks through the door.

She is definitely not expecting to be met with Alaric Saltzman.

She lets out a squeak and almost races out of the room, but MG beats her to the door, closing it quickly. "Let me out," she hisses, holding her bag protectively.

"Just for a minute," Josie says.

Stella slowly turns back to her girlfriend and said girlfriend's father and takes a seat in one of the open chairs. Only then does she see Ethan sitting in one as well. "Um, what—"

"Ethan almost got run over today," Alaric explains, eyeing her warily. "MG saved him."

"Oh my gosh, are you ok?" Stella asks Ethan, her eyes wide as she walks over to him and gives him a once over.

"What about me?" MG asks.

"You heal fast."

Ethan frowns. "So, you know about all this?"

"Oh..." Stella straightens up. "I see."

"Yes, so can you please come over here," Alaric says impatiently.

Instead of really listening, she takes her time walking over to the group and stands far away from the man, still gripping her bag tightly. "I say we let him keep his memories."

"This isn't about us, Stella. This is about what's best for Ethan."

"Is it?" MG asks. "Or is it more like keeping our secrets safe at his expense?"

"Burdening Ethan with it won't end well either," Josie adds. "Dad's right. We can't risk it."

"No offense, Jo. But what are you really worried about risking?"

Stella smacks his chest. "Dude!"


"Do I get a vote?" Ethan asks from his seat.

With a sigh, Alaric walks over to him. "Well, this isn't a democracy, but we can hear what you have to say."

Ethan nervously stands. "I think it's really cool that MG has superpowers because I'd be dead without them. And I understand why you'd want to keep that a secret, and I'm happy to keep it."

"Yes, I believe you, but I made your mother a promise that I'd look after you and keep you safe. MG? Please compel him. That's my decision."

"Compel me to do what?" Ethan asks as MG reluctantly grips his shoulder.

"There's no reason to be scared," MG says. "You had a bad day. You got cut from the football team and you're mad about it, so you went home after gym class. But you're gonna wake up tomorrow feeling better. And you're gonna find what makes you happy that's not football and go after it. But you're not gonna remember this conversation or anything that happened with us today."

As MG takes a step away, Stella narrows her eyes at Ethan while he says, "I feel better already. I don't remember a thing."

Stella purses her lips. "So you don't remember the thing you're not supposed to remember?"

With a sigh, MG leans over towards Alaric. "Is there any possibility that you told his mom about vervain?"

"Son of a bitch," he mutters.

Enemy Fire | J. Saltzman - Legacies [3]Where stories live. Discover now