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"I know we've been through a lot in the past few days. Well, months, really."

Aaron rolls his eyes and stifles a yawn as the headmaster speaks. The past few days had been eventful, but not for him. It has been a week since everything died down around the school: a week since Josie Saltzman had woken up from her god-induced coma. Life at the school had been tense, especially around the so-called super squad.

"Ok, uh, it's been a rough couple of years, to be honest. And I wish I could say that the worst was over." Alaric glances at him, but Aaron just clicks his tongue. "But, no matter what comes next, I firmly believe that we will be able to get through it if we stand united as a school, a community."

Well, that's a joke.

A student stands in the back that Aaron recognizes as the missing girl's roommate. "Sorry, just for clarification, does 'our community' include your daughter who murdered me and held the entire school hostage to stage a grotesque display of black magic power?"

Aaron chances a look over at Josie. He liked her well enough—he didn't think she could kill someone, but black magic twists the mind. Alyssa should know that fact. In her right mind, Josie wouldn't hurt a fly. Which is why her current situation is so concerning.

He knows who watches over her, and Aaron doesn't like it.

Alaric leans forward against his podium. "Josie is back to normal and safe—"

"Thanks to the wonder cousins who I'm noticing aren't here at the ass crack of dawn like the rest of us. So much for unity, I guess."

"Hope, I'm sure you can all understand, was hit hard by what happened to Landon, and she's taking some time for herself with her extended family. As for Stella," Alaric physically flinches as Aaron finds himself listening just a bit closer to his words. "She has been placed on temporary leave by her family to sort through what happened."

"Speaking of, how is my boy, Landon?" Wade asks as he stands. Aaron likes the fairy. He's just so real compared to everyone else in the school.

"Getting Landon back is my top priority, and I won't stop until I do. And that would go for any one of you."

Alyssa coughs, failing to hide her snide remark. "But not Stella, apparently."

A vampire, Kaleb, stands. "Ok, so what are we supposed to do now? And why are we all wearing gym clothes?"

Aaron had been wondering that himself, though he doesn't mind too much. After all, it did catch the attention of a certain blonde siphoner he has yet to stop thinking about.

Alaric nods. "Something you haven't had the chance to do in far too long: be kids." Aaron could throw up. "I want you to remember what it's like to not have to worry about something you shouldn't have to and grow closer together in the process. Now, before you ask me how..." He motions to MG.

Something about MG's enthusiasm makes Aaron shift away from the vampire. "As president of the Student Activities Committee, I'd like to welcome you all to the first-ever Salvatore School Field Day."

Oh, you've got to be kidding.

"The busses are waiting for you outside. Don't forget to bring your smiles."

Aaron can't imagine why people start standing and clapping. It's a terrible idea, especially with half of the student body out to humiliate just one girl because of her dark magic stunt. If they had half an idea of what was really going on, they might not be so quick to judge.

As the students start filtering out of the auditorium, Aaron makes his way up to the headmaster, his hands clasped behind his back. "This is a terrible idea."

Enemy Fire | J. Saltzman - Legacies [3]Where stories live. Discover now