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"I know a lot of things have changed around here lately, but in my opinion, that's a sign of growth," Alaric says to the scarcely populated auditorium with ten students in total. Stella sits next to her cousin with her eyes barely open and her head pressed against Hope's shoulder. The new student, Cleo, sits across from Hope while the other students are dispersed among the chairs. Though half-asleep, Stella still manages to make a face as Alaric continues. "And despite our growing pains, I like to think our student body has never been more united."

"There's like ten of us here," Hope mutters to Cleo across the aisle.

"Which means your voice carries, Hope," Alaric replies.

Stella rolls her eyes as Isaac steps up to the podium and clears his throat. "Despite the spotty assembly attendance, which I'm sure someone will address, we now have enough students to qualify as a school in Virginia."

"More than that," Alaric puts on a big smile. "A home!"

"I miss my home right about now," Stella breathes out as she snuggles closer to her cousin.

"And more to that, uh, sense of community, I give you Elizabeth Saltzman."

Stella finds herself clapping a few times with Wade, though they are the only ones. She stops way before the fairy and buries her head. "I miss the days when our biggest problem was which uniform to wear."

Lizzie clears her throat in the front of the room. "I know I'm not the only one who misses the way things used to be around here. That doesn't mean that our way of life needs to change. Simple math is—fewer students equals less tuition which is why the...smoothie bar has been shuttered," Stella frowns as the blonde tears up. "the pool closed, and all of our dances and trips have been canceled. But I have a way to turn all that around with your help."

She eyes Wade, and the boy sets up a large poster. "Our first—hopefully last—Salvatore School Fundraiser Month," Lizzie says, showing off the scarce poster.

Alaric and Isaac begin clapping but stop after a moment when Lizzie sends them a glare.

Stella manages to sit up and arch a brow as she looks at the two events planned. Neither interest her.

"Over the next four weeks, we will be hosting a series of events: a car wash, a bake sale. And I am well aware that is only two ideas, so any recommendations are welcome."

"Well, I—"

"Not you," Lizzie snaps at Aaron. Stella watches as the blond boy narrows his eyes and puts his hand down. Instead, Lizzie motions to Cleo who also raised her hand. "That's the spirit, Cleo."

"Hope and I can make art and host an auction," Cleo says.

Stella slouches in her seat as Hope springs to her feet. "I retract that offer."

"Too late," Lizzie says. "Art auction approved." Wade sticks a note on the board. "Now, if some of our more tenured students could follow your example, we'll have this place back to normal in no time."

As footsteps draw her attention, Stella's knee snaps against the chair in front of her with a loud bang as she looks up to see Josie walking into the room with a delivery man. The sound echoes through the room as Stella bites her tongue and leans over, hiding her face behind the chair, though she had seen Josie's smile.

The two have a date planned for after Josie gets back from school. After much deliberation, Stella had broke and let Josie plan a surprise, though Stella isn't one for the unknown. The outfit Josie wears makes the witch weak in the knees, from the adorable jacket to the perfect dress.

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