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Finishing up his protection spell, Aaron stands back with a frown, watching the monster's steps get slower with each inch forward. No one else had really paid attention when he suggested putting up multiple barriers to slow the monster, but he did so anyway. It was more difficult than normal, but he knows why deep inside.

By the time he makes it back to the group, Alyssa is walking away. "What happened to her?" Aaron asks only to be waved off by Lizzie.

"Jo, I'm sorry. It shouldn't have come out like that," Lizzie says.

"You were just being honest, and I should be too." Josie's fingers curl in, gripping her sleeves tightly. "Alyssa was right. It has to be me."

"Like hell—"

"Lizzie, this is exactly what you wanted. It's what you've been trying to make me do all day: a hero move to show everyone how sorry I am and that I belong at the school."

Aaron takes a step forward. "Josie, you don't have any magic. It's suicide."

"It's a risk I'm willing to take." Something in her gaze makes Aaron's resolve stutter. She looks broken, like maybe, just maybe, she can fix herself with this one act. He knows what she's thinking: that maybe this will make her friend return. "It's the same risk that Lizzie, Hope, everyone made to bring me and...me and Stella back from the darkness. Now it's my turn to prove I'm worth it. Besides, maybe it'll stop what's next."

"You don't know that," Lizzie says.

"No, I don't. But it might. So, please, don't try to stop me."

"Fine," Lizzie says, her voice quiet. "Have it your way." As Josie leans down and wraps her hands around the sword, Lizzie matches her movements. "But you're not doing it alone."

It definitely surprises Aaron when neither can lift it from the stone. "Well?" He asks as the twins stop. "Anything else to share, Lady of the lake?"

"Only Excalibur may defeat the Green Knight, and only a worthy champion may wield it."

"Son of a bitch," Lizzie scoffs. "Ok, anything else you would like to share with the group?"

Nimue just stares at them.

Each of them takes a shot at removing the sword while Aaron reinforces the barriers as best as he can. The monster has already made his way through two of them, leaving three remaining for Aaron to double-check.

"What's the plan here?" Aaron yells from his work. "He's getting closer. We're officially out of time!"

"You led me to believe that you were capable of vanquishing monsters," Nimue exclaims.

"We usually are, but our main champion's a little busy," Josie replies.

"Then, there is no hope?"

"That's the whole point," Lizzie sighs. "We're not worthy, but we all know who is. Where the hell is Hope Mikaelson when you need her?"

"She's not coming," MG says solemnly. "And neither is Stella." He chances a look back at Josie. "I mean, I wish I was wrong, but we have to prepare ourselves for that. To make her proud of us for saving the day just like she always does. And the only way to do that is together. United. So, please, just believe in me half as much as I believe in you, and we can do this."

"I do not believe you will," Nimue replies. "Not unless the blood of kings runs through your veins."

"I'm sorry," Aaron lets out a small laugh. "That's what you think being worthy is?"

"Yes, it is the very definition."

Josie winces in annoyance. "Ok, boomer, maybe in your time."

Lizzie scoffs as she throws her hands into the air. "Yet again information that would have been useful before now."

Enemy Fire | J. Saltzman - Legacies [3]Where stories live. Discover now